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Son tossed yesterday, 30 feet and feeling better. Am asumming he has a muscle injury and will be worked back slowly, depending on whether pain returns.
Will be a few weeks before he makes his second year appearance.
I just wanted everyone to know that after looking back, son admits he did not stop right away, and took the mound for one inning, which could have made the situation worse.
My understanding is that whenver there is PAIN, stop whatever you are doing, asap, regardless of position. Seek medical advice, if after rest and anti inflammatories do not releive pain. The worst part is NOT knowing what is going on, so never dismiss your son's pain for "you'll be fine" from a NON medical source.
Thanks one and all for the posts and emails and pms. We are hoping that with continued intensive therapy, throwing indoors (out of cold), slow rehab, he will be good as new shortly.
Also, when trying ot make improvements on mechanics, improving velocity, learning new pitches, seek out a professional or a coach who is very experienced in developing young arms.
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I too am very glad he is on the mend and will pray for his recovery.

Could be blessing in disguise and late in season during regional/super-regional he could really make a huge difference in outcome.

My mom tells me everything happens for a reason.
That is so hard to accept sometimes. Personally,
I don't like that saying.....but accept it botheredand never surrender Smile

PS(Apologize for missing this earlier)

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