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As far as the issue of answering a coach who asks what other schools you are talking to, I have seen it addressed on this site mainly in terms of Div. I, where there is the money issue to consider.

My son is interested specifically in playing Div. III and has had ongoing contacts with a few coaches. He is planning at this point to apply early decision to a reach school where the coach has said he will support his application to the extent possible with the admissions department. One of my son's other top choices (more of a target school) has asked what other schools he is talking to. My son and I both liked this coach when we met him and my son could end up at this school if he gets rejected from the reach school. Is there any reason we should not just be up front with him and tell him my son is applying early decision to the other school (a conference rival) but that he is high on our list if things don't work out well with the early decision school?

As there is no money on the line, I don't know why we should play the cat and mouse game that can come into play with Div. I schools. Another choice I guess would be just to list the other 5 or 6 schools that have had the most contact with my son and then wait and see what happens with the early decision application and get more specific at that point. But my natural inclinatin is that if it would be helpful at this time for this coach to know our exact thinking, then why not help him out if there is no detriment to us?
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If it were me or my son I would give the coach an honest answer to an honest question. I see it as working to your advantage. The coach of your target school now knows what other schools are interested in your son. He will see that the reach school his rival has interest in your son and this may give him a sense of urgency and persue your son with a bit more zeal. No need to mention about applying for for early decission to reach school. He simply asked what other schools your son was talking to. Good luck to your son. Let us know how it works out.
They absolutely talk - so no point in trying to keep it a secret - especially at D3 where money is really not under the control of the coach.

I do wonder about applying ED - I know it takes the pressure off but last year when we were going through this process we were advised NOT to apply ED as financial aid awards are rumored to be lower for ED students as the school figures they have you locked in.
Thank you all for the input. We know they all talk, especially within a conference, so it wasn't a point of keeping secrets, just whether to let the one coach know that my son is applying early decision to the other school. Son thinks he'll just list the schools he has had the most contact with at this point, since that's all that was really asked of him. far as the merit money, that's a good point, but not really applicable for us as the early decision school does not offer any merit awards, and we won't qualify for financial aid. Thanks again.
I'm not sure about ED not having as much money. I know at our school and most schools I've seen it's the opposite. There is X amount of dollars available for Merit scholarships that are built in the budget. There is a formula based on total number offered and what will accept. The earlier amounts are more, the later amounts are much less because as deposits come in, the number narrows for budget purposes. I've been doing this for 9 years and there is always more money early. Unless my school is drastically different, but most coaches I know are in the same boat.
When coaches asked about other schools of interest I found that they then gently tried to tell us why their school was the better choice.

My son also applied to "need based" financial aid schools also. It changes the dialogue dramatically. There is no money to be found so the conversation is really about the level of "support" the coach will lend the application. We were told very clearly what the coach would do with the admissions department. It was this converastio nwhich led us to undestand that our son was being "recruited".
Some said "Let us know when you hear from admissions" We came to learn that they were not recruiting my son. We were told where son fit in terms of admissions by coach and were told "I will commit to your application if you tell me you want to come to school here". We understood that son was being recruited by that school.

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