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To the original question:

The answer is, "As opposed to what?"

If otherwise you're just going to fire him, and end up liable for paying him next year for nothing in return, then absolutely, get what you can for his contract, while you can.

I'm assuming Ozzie, since he lives near the Marlins' home area, would happily have accepted the deal. Win/win.

But now it appears it didn't happen and he's just being let go. So, they get nothing for him at all. They just have to hope he gets a job so they don't have to pick up his whole paycheck for next year. (Though those contracts often have liquidated amounts specified for buyouts.)
Midlo. They ended up getting a couple players and I think some $$ so it ended up as a trade and the Sox are off the hook for the final year.

Mizzou....Kenny Williams certainly played a part in the '05 WS win but he is a pompous @ss that has done little since. He got played in the Rios deal and the Dunn move will go down as a franchise crusher if Dunn doesn't get back into form next year.

Won't happen, but I wish Reinsdorf would just start with a clean slate and get rid of him.

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