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It was sad to see how even this "hearing" went along party lines. All the congressmen should be ashamed!
I would say we should vote these loosers out; over time it might change the way Washington works. But the problem seems that by adding only a few new faces a term, the disease spreads to them before the next new group arrives. Can't they agree on anything?
As far as the steriod era goes,the blame should start at the top. Selig, the owners, managers, coaches, team doctors, trainers, then the players.IMO
But the reason they started at the bottom to throw the blame is that the closer you are to the bottom of that the, the easier you are to be replaced!

As to pardoning people who have not yet been convicted --OH HOW SOON THEY FORGET!

Back in the 1970's, there was this guy named Nixon ....

Anyway, the article is baloney, just McNamee's lawyer trying to suggest that the powers that be are behind Clemens, his client's a victim, yada yada yada. No way would Bush pardon anyone looking at a perjury charge, the harkening back to the Clinton era would be too much for him to even consider it.
Pardon me? TR, what are you apologizing for? Smile

Almost seriously, I do get your point on this one although I don't think anybody came out of that one looking good, especially not the owners.

BTW, something I missed that came up later was that the nanny stated in an affidavit that Clemens was at Canseco's party and Clemens later admitted it. Now do they go after Canseco for perjury?

That doesn't look good trying to discredit McNamee for something they knew he was telling the truth about.
Last edited by CADad
Originally posted by thegame2003:
I don't know why Congress was wasting its time with this. I think there are much bigger issues out there than having to use government officials to figure out if one guy did steroids or not. What a waste.....

Well, it's illegal use of steriods. Dragging these creeps through the mud is part of the process of cleaning up baseball. Should Congress really get back to managing the Irag war, social security, the IRS, the CIA, the FBI, The Federal Reserve system, the trashing of the 4th amendment, that they've run all so well?

The further Congress gets from managing the government, the better off you will be.
Last edited by Dad04
Originally posted by thegame2003:
I don't know why Congress was wasting its time with this. I think there are much bigger issues out there than having to use government officials to figure out if one guy did steroids or not. What a waste.....

I agree. But I will tell you this. At least we now know way much more than we did. I would have hated to have always had that doubt about Clemens without additional info (wouldn't have been fair to Roger). It was painfully obvious after the hearing that Clemens did HGH and probably took the Winstrol injection from McNamee as well. And many other things came out in the hearing that made all of us cringe---McNamee's past--Jose Canseco being used by Clemens as a credible source (later to be found lying), but at least he (McNamee) is coming clean. It's the rocket's turn now.
Last edited by switchitter
Originally posted by Dad04:
Originally posted by thegame2003:
I don't know why Congress was wasting its time with this. I think there are much bigger issues out there than having to use government officials to figure out if one guy did steroids or not. What a waste.....

Well, it's illegal use of steriods. Dragging these creeps through the mud is part of the process of cleaning up baseball. Should Congress really get back to managing the Irag war, social security, the IRS, the CIA, the FBI, The Federal Reserve system, the trashing of the 4th amendment, that they've run all so well?

The further Congress gets from managing the government, the better off you will be.

Obviously its illegal, but I just think there are bigger fish to fry than the situation between two men.

And I agree with you that the further Congress is from managing the government the better it will be. And with how horrible they've done in many areas, that is exactly why I don't want them involved in the game that I love.
I'm not a big fan of goverment using sledge hammers on mosquitos in china shops either, but baseball got tougher on PEDs after the 2005 hearings with Raffy Palmieroid. This will likely hasten additional drug regulation, which isn't a bad thing. Congress throws their weight around baseball because they hold the ant-trust exemption that baseball owners have enjoyed for decades. that won't end aytime soon.

Sadly, I was as nearly embarassed for some of the hapless congressmen and women as I was for McNammee and Clemens.

Dan Burton R-Indiana is a complete weirdo. Check that dude out sometime.

Baseball and Congress have a choice. Really get rid of drugs or face more embarrassing hearings.
Last edited by Dad04

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