Observations beyond Byrd...
- HGH Test....Correct me if I am wrong...My understanding is that there is testing but NO reliable test for HGH...part of the problem. "You can't do it...but we can't enforce it" I am not so sure that MLB doesn't fully appreciate the absurdity of this position. Makes them look like they care, keeps it available to players. You can be certian that players understand this as well. Win/Win.
- Parental Concerns...Agree 100%. Like CD, saw it in high school. Some parents and coaches even knew. All our sons are under immense performance, and competitive pressure. Thank God most don't give in. The scary thing is that it would be very easy for them to begin to believe that it is not optional, but necessary.
- Will for Change...There is no will to take action. There is no upside to MLB...I think by now we all agree that there was/is a problem....Fans still buy tickets...why fix it? By the way...remember that report...a couple years ago...what was it..Mitchell?..what ever happened to that?
- Fans...Let's get real. Fans are, and will always simply a revenue source to use and abuse...stars are traded, popular players are cut, franchises moved under the cover of darkness, payrolls are slashed, colors and uniforms are changed to increase sales..it was never about the fans it was always about the fans money, and the fans themselves have proven that they will still buy tickets, and watch the tube, no matter what.
- Possible outing/big blowup...Turns out when the Chinese were not busy puting lead in toys and sawdust/poision in our pet food...they were shipping us huge amounts of the fixin's for steroids. Last month the DEA busted the connection, which apparently had extremely detailed records of who and when. The DEA keeps sending out public teasers each week like this, "well, geeze, if some one would ask we have lots of high profile names connected to this activity. But geeze no one has asked us yet..." As observed, no will on the part of pro sports franchises....yet. They push and the DEA gets thousands of dealers to sing...and it all breaks loose. Could be wrong but this bears watching.