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You know when the hot stove league starts ramping up and we start dissecting every little thing we can find to keep the baseball fires burning then it's time to announce opening day for the Penguin baseball season!!!.

Okay, so maybe Penguin baseball isn't all that special, to play it requires absolutely no skill however if you're like me it can help you get through those long afternoons in the office where time seems to stand still. My personal best this season has been 326 ft. Penquin Baseball Fever... catch it!


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Originally posted by Coach Waltrip:
This game sucks!

Probably, because I suck at it...

After playing this silly game for an hour you guys can take the bloody penguins guts and stuff 'em...


LOL..Just hit those landmines, especially the ones that are right next to one another. Hit them squarely(with a bit of luck though) and watch that penguin travel.
Last edited by zombywoof

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