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Originally Posted by Coach Bob:
My biggest question after this game though is WHY during the commentary on players are they so hot to tell that 6'6" LHP was 5-0, 80k/4bb, with low ERA, whatever, on his HS team but just gloss over that he played for so and so travel team and no stats from there?  At least up here HS ball is so diluted you could have great stats in HS but get shellacked on a travel team where the talent level of competition is significantly higher.  I just don't get why the weight on HS but not Travel performance??   


I think it's just a remnant of a bygone era. You still see high school stats listed for 1st round kids on draft day. I guess they might start compiling all the travel and showcase stats someday. Regardless of stats, watching Jason Groome throw an easy 93-95 from the left side just blows my mind.

Originally Posted by Coach_May:

Coach Bob my guess would be no one really keeps stats during the summer. At least we never did. And regardless the talent in that game was obvious. I didn't need to hear about any stats my eyes told me all I needed to know.

I did book on Gamechanger for both our HS and summer travel teams as did most of our opponents.  Thanks to technology I and the coaches have all the stats they need.

Originally Posted by B-MoreBeast:

Coach Bob,

I think the reason they were referencing HS stats is because one the player they were referencing attended IMG Academy and two because they wanted to show that his ability to perform at such a high level is very consistent. With a player of his caliber you would want to see the stats that back up his stuff.


PG listed high school stats for all of the Jackie Robinson Award finalists, but I doubt if those number had any baring on the outcome.


Ian Anderson: 0.65 ERA in 53.1 IP, 6 wins, 91 strikeouts
Austin Bergner: 0.57 ERA in 61.1 IP, 8 wins, 99 strikeouts
Kevin Gowdy: 1.50 ERA in 59 IP, 5 wins, 72 strikeouts
Jason Groome: 0.98 ERA in 42 IP, 5 wins, 77 strikeouts
Reggie Lawson: 2.25 ERA in 53 IP, 6 wins, 67 strikeouts
Mickey Moniak: .426 batting average with 46 hits, 29 runs, 28 RBI, 8 doubles, 13 stolen bases
Blake Rutherford: .435 batting average with 27 hits, 20 runs, 14 RBI, 4 home runs, 15 stolen bases
Jaren Shelby: .368 batting average with 35 hits, 13 home runs, 6 doubles, 7 stolen bases


Analogous to the Metric System vs. English System: the HS measurements are older and established, and change may be difficult for the less-savvy observer (which includes many relatives, non-travel coaches, and journalists).


The more sophisticated observer knows that the HS measurements are not applicable as a benchmark to compare players.

The Doctor,


I agree, a 3 game series would be great.  However, many of these players are starting to wear out this time of year.  The main thing that the players know once they have been there is that the game is not the most important thing about this event.


There is something extra special about seeing these young talented players caring about even younger kids that are suffering.  And no player can leave here without understanding just how fortunate they are.


And for those that might not know him, Trevor Hoffman (Classic Chairman) wIll be eligible for the Hall of Fame next year.  I hope he is elected because that man is a Hall of Famer in every way possible.

Originally Posted by PGStaff:


The Doctor,


I agree, a 3 game series would be great.  However, many of these players are starting to wear out this time of year.  The main thing that the players know once they have been there is that the game is not the most important thing about this event.


There is something extra special about seeing these young talented players caring about even younger kids that are suffering.  And no player can leave here without understanding just how fortunate they are.


And for those that might not know him, Trevor Hoffman (Classic Chairman) wIll be eligible for the Hall of Fame next year.  I hope he is elected because that man is a Hall of Famer in every way possible.

Hey PG, besides some of the obvious kids that we have been hearing about the last 16 months or so,  did you find anyone that stood out over the week? For some reason I always root for underdogs, if there are any there.

Not many underdog types at this event.  Obviously some performed well and gained even more interest for next year's draft.  The event has had 165 first round picks and 7 first overall picks.  There is still time for these players to move up or down.  


I don't want to wear out the subject, but some of the hitters showed they are even better than I thought before this past week.  This was by far the most "power" we have ever seen at the AA game.  And not just guys like Kirilloff, Rizzo, Rutherford, but pretty much all the players showed some good power.


Anyway, McIlwain might be a guy to follow.  He is extremely athletic, big tools, but a little on the raw side.  Very high ceiling and championship caliber makeup! He is also one of the top football recruits in the country. Could be very interesting to see what happens with him.

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