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Easy on the weak Albuquerque teams. The ABQ Baseball Academy (17 year old team) run ruled the Firebirds in pool play (10-1) and had them down 7-2 in the 6th inning in bracket play and lost a heart breaker 8-7. McKinney did pound ABQ after the 8-7 game, had a huge let down. Expected from 17 year old kids with out a ton of experience. The ABA 17s is the host of the AABC World Series at the end of July.
Geez, what's so derrogatory in any of the posts on this thread that warrants closing it? Just because this thread offers differing opinions and is not blowing smoke up some parents behide by posting how well little Johnny did in his last game, or if his name was in the paper, or attended some showcase or tryout doesn't mean it should be closed.

I actually agree with many of the things that KIA says. The Firebirds won this tournament plain and simple. Any team that is going to have any success in Farmington, or even thinks they deserve to be there needs to be able to overcome this type of adversity. Look at the Lake Highlands Wildcats, Dallas Tigers, and the last 2 DBAT teams that attended. All managed to let their play on the field speak for itself and not complain about the adversity it took to get there. All went thru tough brackets and won games against good teams without their best pitchers on the mound.

My advice would be to put these problems in the past and concentrate on the Texas regional.
aba -- I don't think any one intended to slight any one else -- they are simply observations regarding the tournament. How do you feel about the way things were run?

ilgb -- several good points -- teams have to oversome diversity to win championships -- at all levels. Most hope the adversities they face come from actions on the field.

The regional tournament should be a good one! Cool
Originally posted by Panther Dad:
aba -- I don't think any one intended to slight any one else -- they are simply observations regarding the tournament. How do you feel about the way things were run?

ilgb -- several good points -- teams have to oversome diversity to win championships -- at all levels. Most hope the adversities they face come from actions on the field.

The regional tournament should be a good one! Cool

PD you owe me a nickel!

So we understand that good teams must face adversity.

But if intentional unfair brackets were set, how can one make such rediculous statements to just deal with the situation and move on?

I don't know what happens in Arizona. From the posts here there is an obvious problem going on. Maybe not, only the ones there and directly related with the situation will know.

But for anyone to suggest that an unfair situation should be ignored is about as ignorant as the author of the post.

I guess if an umpire awards a team 4 outs in a half inning, the other team should just deal with it?
Originally posted by Panther Dad:
Where do I send the direct deposit? I can ask Julie for a payroll deduction. Now let's see if you can end it. Cool I think I showed excellent constraint considering your attempts to bait others with misdirected quotes -- you're a master.

Thank you PD, your not bad yourself.
You are too late KG.
Last edited by knowitall
Originally posted by knowitall:
Originally posted by KellerDad:
Back on track or the topic will be closed.

Go ahead PD; Tychco and Swac say it,

“Knowitall started it.”

Sorry D, I mean KD it won’t happen again.


First knowitall I don't know you and could give a rats *** about what you say, I'm sure you are a parent from a last year's team.
Sounds like more than the heat got to a few ppl while they were in AZ. Mad I am truly sorry cry that the tournament turned so sour for the Texas teams and sad that a team/organization from my home state has been reported on these boards in such a bad light.

I would assume that if nothing was amiss, as reported, then next year things/formats at this tournament will be status quo, if the reports are true, the reports get to the right people and their findings are that there were improper/home field type tactics then things will surely be much, much different.

Bottomline, if you go back next year and things are run different and tighter then you will have your answer plain and simple.

In the meantime, put this behind you, it is over and the outcome of the AZ tourney can't be changed this year. It is now time to concentrate on getting a berth/win in another format and get to Farmington THIS SUMMER so you'all can show everyone the talent that comes from this great baseball state!
Last edited by oldbat-never
oldbat-never you are right, however its more than about how the tournament is run its about how the AZ host treats visiting teams. One of my coaches was cursed as he was leaving the facility last summer for no apparent reason; thats very unprofessional. If I talked to people in my profession how this host does I would no longer have any customers. And that is probably the way this will end. Its about someone else hosting the event as well.
Originally posted by oldbat-never:
Sounds like more than the heat got to a few ppl while they were in AZ. Mad I am truly sorry cry that the tournament turned so sour for the Texas teams and sad that a team/organization from my home state has been reported on these boards in such a bad light.

I would assume that if nothing was amiss, as reported, then next year things/formats at this tournament will be status quo, if the reports are true, the reports get to the right people and their findings are that there were improper/home field type tactics then things will surely be much, much different.

Bottomline, if you go back next year and things are run different and tighter then you will have your answer plain and simple.

In the meantime, put this behind you, it is over and the outcome of the AZ tourney can't be changed this year. It is now time to concentrate on getting a berth/win in another format and get to Farmington THIS SUMMER so you'all can show everyone the talent that comes from this great baseball state!

That's what I like about you OB....

Just when you think there is no light at the end of the tunnel,

Just when you don't think there are flowers to smell,

Just when when you think the fat lady has sang,

You come up with a well thought out plan in order to keep peace, reality, and justice for all.


My post is based on my experience of meeting jerks in all area's of baseball and in the corporate world. From the sounds of the posts the AZ team has one at their helm.

What I have learned, in my short time on earth, is sometimes the jerks win, sometime the jerks continue behaving badly even when they have had their hands slapped (over and over) and sometimes the jerks are bigger/have more power than all of us. And if you spend too much energy and time on these jerks you lose out in more ways than just a loss of a game, tournament or job situation.

So what do you do, you spend your energy and time on the next situation/obstacle and move on and make your next move a statement of your character. Jerks never make that type of move because they have no "good" character so you become the better person/team.

It reads like the proper actions have been taken on this one, a letter of complaint has been drafted and sent to the powers that be, the tournament is over and the winner crowned so it is time to focus on the next challenge and make your statement loud and clear by actions and performance!

And isn't it true that the cream always rises to the top!

Last edited by oldbat-never
Originally posted by oldbat-never:


My post is based on my experience of meeting jerks in all area's of baseball and in the corporate world. From the sounds of the posts the AZ team has one at their helm.

What I have learned, in my short time on earth, is sometimes the jerks win, sometime the jerks continue behaving badly even when they have had their hands slapped (over and over) and sometimes the jerks are bigger/have more power than all of us. And if you spend too much energy and time on these jerks you lose out in more ways than just a loss of a game, tournament or job situation.

So what do you do, you spend your energy and time on the next situation/obstacle and move on and make your next move a statement of your character. Jerks never make that type of move because they have no "good" character so you become the better person/team.

It reads like the proper actions have been taken on this one, a letter of complaint has been drafted and sent to the powers that be, the tournament is over and the winner crowned so it is time to focus on the next challenge and make your statement loud and clear by actions and performance!

And isn't it true that the cream always rises to the top!


Ahhh, the smell of fresh flowers.

I'm starting to like your thought process.
Originally posted by oldbat-never:
I had my PC answer above, now I will say what everyone is thinking:

Kick their butts in Farmington!

Saying anyone will get a chance at Farmington is easier said than done.

It's likely a Texas team will be the regions representative, but there is a chance that no Texas team will go or a Texas team will go that wasn't wronged at the said tournament.

Either way, I'm wearing Berkenstocks, long hair, and have a smoke when necessary.

Flower Power regards,
Last edited by Ken Guthrie
An update...Firebirds went 2 and 'que in bracket ruled by the AZ Angels.
DBat 17 is a very good looking group of 2010/2011 players (as you all know). They lost to Albuquerque this morning and then eliminated the Dallas Pats tonight.They'll see Cherry Creek tomorrow.
The Tigers face Albuquerque tomorrow..both undefeated. Tigers just beat Cherry Creek.
So cal Renegades face the Angels at 8 AM tomorrow
Dylan Bundy is a special talent, particularly since he is a 2011 grad.
I put the gun on him in the third and he sat at 94-95 and touched 96 with a nice straight change and a breaking ball in the low 80s with tilt.
That's a very talented group of Dallas Tigers he just beat.
We drew for the last bye and the Tigers got it.
DBat vs. Albuquaerque at 9 with the winner getting the TIgers at 12 Phoenix time.

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