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My sons team faced him this Spring and what surprised Ryan was that he changed "hands" during the inning. I guess that was a new wrinkle with him this year. Mind you this was in Feb, but, I thought on the radio the announcers said he was throwing mid 80's as a RHP and low 80's as a LHP and both sides had good movement.

It's one thing to warm up and get a rhythm going, it's another to change not only the arm you use but to factor in the adjustments the brain has to make puts this kid in a very special "human" class.
Last edited by rz1
what surprised Ryan was that he changed "hands" during the inning.

I thought that was illegal. Can't change while facing the same batter or even between batters in same inning. Can switch between innings. Very esoteric stuff. A former major leaguer and I discussed this once and he claimed to know the rule. (lord only knows why LOL)

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