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OK, Please help - especially if you have played in the minors or pros or have swung a lot with wood.... Which wood turning - IE: C271 - C243 - C331 - T141 - M110 or this new G174 larger barrel?

My son is 17 years old 6'3" and we want to know which bat swings more balanced and feels like a lighter faster swing - he is facing guys throwing mid 90's - we have used c243 for years but i think that barrel is end weighted and very large,,, please share me your preference and why???

Also has anyone used this 1XX MLB Timber on the TPX m9's ??? must be a minor or major leagur to purchase.... is the pro vs retail timber make that much of a differnece??

if you know anyone who can get these TPX M9 1XX MLB Timbers email Me ASAP!!!
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For balance I'd go with a 271, although the C331 M9 has the same barrel and handle as the 271, but it has the bell knob(an extra 1 oz to 1 1/2 oz), which, brings the balance point closer to the hands, which results in a lighter swinging bat.
Last edited by Glove Man
I have always felt that the proper bat was selected by the player by holding it and swinging it.

I remember swinging one bat after another in the sporting goods shop until I found one that felt comfortable in my hands.

I also used the thick "Nellie Fox" handled bats which they do not seem to make anymore.

Just in case you missed the reply on the PG site. Here it is again, I agree with TR and Texan advice above. Gloveman is an expert in this area as well.

Different bats for different folks is my experience. I suggest finding a place where he can see and feel several models. It seems these days that most young players are swinging maple.

Now what has peaked my interest here… Just who are these guys he’s facing that are throwing mid 90s?
As some of the others have posted, your son needs to feel a bunch of different models. The length and weight are very important. Since he is big and strong, probably a 34" 31-32 oz bat will be in the area that he will like. As was mentioned, maple bats are what most of the pro players are using. Louisville has about a thousand different models. Call them at 888-444-2287 and ask for their help and then place an order.
the t141 and c271 are "classics" known for being well balanced. The 271 is a little thicker handle at the knob so a little different feel in the grip. but, as noted above, the best way, really the only way is to swing 'em yourself.

Also, while you originally had to be a member of the MLB player's association to buy the M9 it is available now to the public through most of the big online supply stores.
Last edited by HeyBatter
Thanks to everyone for the words of wisdom - i think he will try the C271 TPX M9 and the T141 as well - should be a big change from the huge C243 he has been swinging for so many years..... I always was one to favor extra larger barrel head - i seemed to forget about bat control and balance along with bat speed..... once again thanks so much - we have a good friend in big leagues going to go to and get some of each there to stock up for the busy summer baseball7
Last edited by sdballer19

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