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I remember 6 years ago seeing this little LH hitting kid at our camp. A sweet stroke and a kid who simply loved the game. His name is Cody Nipper and we nicknamed his Ichiro for his style of play. After camp I met his father Scott and his mom Amy. Such a great family. Cody would come to my house and take hitting lessons. I would routinely find him at the baseball field working out and hanging around our players. He became part of our team. Through this I spent a lot of time around his family. His wife Amy and their young daughter Gracie. Such a wonderful family.

Yesterday while returning from Christmas shopping Scott lost control of their vehicle on a rain soaked road and hit another vehicle head on. Scott was killed and Gracie is in intensive care as we speak with more surgery scheduled this morning. Please pray for Gracie, Amy and Cody.

Scott was a Captain in the Raleigh Fire Department and was a tremendous Husband, Father and friend. He loved every minute he could spend with his family. His eyes lit up when he was at the field watching Cody play baseball. This coming spring will be Cody's first HS season and Scott was so excited about watching Cody play HS baseball. It was something he had been looking forward to for so long. Pray for Cody and the entire family.

We can only imagine the impact this is going to have on them. And we can only imagine the thoughts that will going through Cody's mind when he takes the field this coming spring and Dad won't be there to see him play. It breaks my heart I can tell you that. Cody is an extremely talented player with a bright future in the game. Say a little prayer for them. Thanks
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We will be praying for the Nipper family. May God bless them and may God bless Coach May for being such a meaningful and positive influence for them. Thank you Coach May for being the person you are and being there providing the support so needed by the Nipper family. You're a good man and a true Christmas gift to them. You have the support of our HSBBW family...we know you will use it to help the Nippers. Please keep us posted from time to time concerning Cody and his season.

Last edited by gotwood4sale
I have not had a lot of contact with the family over the last couple of years. A new HS was built in our area and Cody's house fell inside that school district. I got a call shortly after this happened and it shocked us. In fact the entire community is still in shock over this. I believe in the power of prayer. Keep them in your prayers and hug your kids every day and let them know how much you love them. Gracie is now listed "In serious but stable condition." Thank you for your prayers and kind thoughts. And remember Cody when you get the chance to watch your kids play. It truly is a blessing we often take for granted.
What a terrible tragedy. My heart and prayers go out to the Nipper family, and to you too, Coach_May.

Like standballdad, I am the parent of a 2015, just approaching the dawn of the next phase - HS Baseball. It is something my son and I both have looked forward to for years. Every now and then, I think about my own mortality, how much I would miss being able to see the things I have seen (and hopefully will see), and how my son would be affected if I weren't around. Who would haul his b*tt around? Who would do the things I have done? Even if he doesn't (yet) fully appreciate those things, there are many things to be done for a young player, and that loss will be felt. And that's just the baseball side - the loss of a parent...having gone through that (twice), I know it is just devastating.

This is one of those times when the saying "it takes a village to raise a child" rings true for me. The Nipper family is going to need our thoughts and prayers, for sure, but also MUCH MORE than that. I hope that those in a position to provide them the help they need on an everyday basis will be there for them (I know Coach_May will, as he obviously already has through the years before this tragedy).

I'm reminded a bit of twotex's Defining Success thread from a week or so ago. This is one of those situations when we can all stand up and take measure of the quality of person we - and our kids - have become.

So sad....
We will lift up the Nipper family in prayer over this Christmas Season. It is always tragic when a life so close to us is taken unexpectedly.

I came across a baseball in the attic given to me by a little league team that I coached many years ago, it was signed by all the players when they were 9 or 10. Two of the boys on that ball have died in car accidents...

It makes you stop and think and seek God's blessings, as well as remember to treasure each day as the gift it is.

Remember to tell your loved ones that they are loved by you.

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