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I found the following on a pro scout's personal website/message board and thought it would be helpful to post here for others to read:

I have had several emails and calls, mostly from parents, regarding their sons that are seniors in 2009 and what to do if they want to play in college. I can break this down very simply. There are four types of players out there, presuming that the player has the ability to play at the next level. (1) the elite player that is going to be recruited regardless of what select team or showcases he attends, this is the player that is head and shoulders above everyone else. (2) the player that has ability, has some offers from a few schools, mild interest from scouts, but still is searching for the right thing to do, needs more information on the entire process. (3) has ability, doesn't understand the recruiting process, waiting for a scout or coach to show up at his game this spring (4) has ability and no idea of anything else.

Here are the facts:

* Most of the major colleges have already received committments from the players they will sign this year, 2009 seniors.
* Most schools finish their recruiting the summer before a players senior year begins.
* If you think that a college coach is going to be at your games in the spring, they are not!!
* The signing date for 2009 players is the second week of November.

If you are a senior 2009, what should you do?

* Make sure you have registered with the ncaa clearing house, you cannot be offered a scholorship if you have not done so.
* Get in front of some people that can recommend you to colleges.
* Pick out a few colleges and email the coaches, be prepared to give them a name of a scout that has seen you play.
* Be proactive, don't wait for them to come to you.
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