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I'll admit I didn't get very far with the list of pros and cons, weighting them, etc. I'll still come up with the list, but getting too detailed with weightings may not be productive. It is my nature, however, to try to quantify things. I don't think that's wrong. In negotiations, everything has a value. One way or another, it should be quantifiable.
I can tell you that if your son has college interest from several schools, you will need an old fashion filing system.
You should spend your time organizing colleges you might be interested in by starting with their websites. Email the coach to find out if you have a prayer. Keep ypur emails in folders on the computer and important responses etc in hard copy folders. A folder for each college that is of interest to you and ones that respond favorabable. In each floder keep the coaches name and contact info plus important communications. As interest drops off on either side you trash the folder. Once you are down to a select number then you start deeper investigation. Being prepared is one thing, being productive is another. In my opinion you are way ahead of youself. I would spend my time trying to learn about colleges keeping in mind as TPM stated, things change and may in a short time, render your efforts outdated.
Originally posted by BobbleheadDoll:
I was curious where you put all the BB pamplets/programs etc that you receive. Folder ?

They were leafed through and then put in a big pile. After dissemination of the spreadsheet results, one would occasionally be referred to, but pretty rare. The spreadsheet had links to the colleges website and we found that anything in print was almost always on the website and the website was usually more informative. Plus, if we found something of interest on the website, we could link that right to the spreadsheet and put notes and comments on it.

We had zero need for a filing system with the spreadsheet.
Last edited by CPLZ
We had zero need for a filing system with the spreadsheet.

Our methodology was identical.

As HaverSon was accepted as an ED applicant, we also had the time to install the whole pamphlet/brochure bundle at his high school counselor's office while the brochures were still current.

They H.S. counseling director was polite enough to actually seem pleased.
Last edited by HaverDad

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