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Nothing negative to say about the program, but I've played with a few different Mass programs and I've been fortunate enough to have played with mostly "good kids," (wayback, jr. for example) with only a few exceptions.

The kids on Ruffnecks 18's are a little questionable to day the least. Mostly private school kids with a little bit of an attitude. Just be careful.
Son plays for an excellent team and has played for others in NH and Mass. He does, however, have local teammates considering playing at the next level who would prefer a team closer to our area than the one my son plays for. We've heard of the Ruffnecks and know their younger teams to be pretty good, but had never heard of them having an 18U program. Thank-you for your insight. We will certainly pass it on.
do most of the nashua kids not play legion? i know that coach Neverate (SP) always has a good hs team but the legion team doesn't seem to do as well. i don't mean that as a negative. i always thought they should be better with all the talent in that area. or do the surrounding towns grab talent? or do they play else where? just wondered.

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