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Adbono; Did you know the inside story of Veeck and the midget? In his book "Veeck is a Wreck" He registered the midget [Eddie Goodell] as a new Browns player at 5 PM FRIDAY before the MLB could verify.

Then Bill received news that the Midget was going to "swing" the bat at the pitched ball. Veeck told the midget that he had a "sharpshooter" in the LF roof and if Eddie Goodell swing it would be final swing.


@Consultant posted:

Adbono; Did you know the inside story of Veeck and the midget? In his book "Veeck is a Wreck" He registered the midget [Eddie Goodell] as a new Browns player at 5 PM FRIDAY before the MLB could verify.

Then Bill received news that the Midget was going to "swing" the bat at the pitched ball. Veeck told the midget that he had a "sharpshooter" in the LF roof and if Eddie Goodell swing it would be final swing.


I know the story but not the part detailed in your last paragraph

@PitchingFan posted:

They have taken the Globetrotters and put them on steroids.  I didn't think I was a baseball purist but they have made me one for sure.  They have gone from entertaining to ludicrous.  It does not even resemble baseball except they have a batter and pitcher and 8 fielders who are actually dancers more than fielders.

But it sells out every game.  Do you think the popularity helps or hurts baseball as a sports?  Or do you think it has no effect whatsoever?  It's been on our wish list to go to one of their games.  Just can't get a ticket when they are driving distance away at a day when we are available.

I went to several Savannah Sand Gnats games 20ish years ago with our kids in our cross-country milb extravaganza. The stadium was literally falling apart; center field bleachers were closed and condemned; the fans sat in a seating area totally enclosed by steel netting. It was one of the worst stadiums we saw.

Any Savannah related baseball which puts fans in the stands is a triumph of business acumen. I would love to catch the final out of a game; I suspect not many visiting teams foul balls are snagged.

As a kid, my grandfather took me to a Globetrotters game - what a memory to this day.

I would imagine this type of thing has a shelf life. Rather than stick to a game with a few fun rules and gimmicks they are going all out in an effort to cash in/sell and make their money while they can.

I've heard interviews from former players. Consensus is it was a cool idea that went off the rails quickly. They all seem to have a ton of respect for the owner.

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