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Originally posted by RJM:
Why should schools even provide laptops at all? The school should only have to provide desktop computers at school. If a kid wants a laptop he/she should get their own.
Our school district is part of the same program as Lower Merion. I believe it's a statewide option for a district to participate. Our district subsidizes the purchase rather than loaning them. The kids can buy them for $400 (worth about $1,200 with software). For the handful of families where $400 might be a problem they can pay $10 a month for 40 months.

That sounds like a great solution. The underlying reason is for advancing education in an increasingly technological world and subsidizing should eliminate the justification for spying. For schools that do not subsidize there is still no justification in my opinion for spying. They need to come up with other solutions instead.
Originally posted by dad43:
I agree with RZ and share this

Consider this fact “25% of India’s population with highest IQ is greater than the total population of the Unites States. Translation: India has more Honors kids than America has kids”

In most cases it's the "kiss of death" to question someone who agrees with you Big Grin.

I wonder if those stats hold water? What is considered "honors", how are the numbers are calculated, and how are the comparisons made? Do the India numbers include the rural and impoverished areas of India, the complete population of 10 bizillion ?. Because my son graduated from the Univ of IL-Chicago(UIC) which in some circles is known as the University of Indian and Chinese (UIC), I have heard that the Indian culture is loaded with "mind-freaks" and is worthy of the intelligent accolade.

My point is that I don't think this is comparing apples-n-oranges issue rather an issue where we use the tools at our disposal in an attempt to educate as much of OUR population to the best of OUR ability, from the top to the bottom of the IQ pool. Sometimes as 1baseballdad say "the law of unintended consequences" fleshes out ideas that may hold water if refined and this "laptop thing" holds water IMHO.
Last edited by rz1
Originally posted by New2This:
Why should schools even provide laptops at all? The school should only have to provide desktop computers at school.

Perhaps a similar thought was expressed when schools first started supplying text books.

Depending on the courses of study and the chosen materials, providing a laptop and accessing lessons on line can be cheaper than buying texts for students.
Originally posted by Jimmy03:
Originally posted by New2This:
Why should schools even provide laptops at all? The school should only have to provide desktop computers at school.

Perhaps a similar thought was expressed when schools first started supplying text books.

Depending on the courses of study and the chosen materials, providing a laptop and accessing lessons on line can be cheaper than buying texts for students.

If thats the reason then there certainly is no justification at all for spying under any circumstances. That school administrator involved in the mess and his treasurer should learn how to "balance the books".

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