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The first question is "Who are they"? Tonto was a scout and so was the admin for the Phily school district.

You never know "who's-who" anymore

You should emphasis to the coach that if any pics or video were taken of him, that you would want to know the "who and whys". As a coach, I would ask for credentials for the protection of all my players. Pics and vids raise red flags in today's world
Last edited by rz1
Originally posted by manshine38:
Son is A RS(sop)RHP. The other day their was some scouts at the game taking some pictures and viedo of him pitching.What does this mean and what do they do with this.

As a RS sophmore, I am assuming he is a college player depending on age, is he eligible for this years draft?
If he is, who are they? Most likely it could be MLB, who take video for teams to review before the draft (the video is available through MLB to all teams). This video can also be seen on before the draft.This is what these scouts do for a living and work for MLB. Or it could be someone filming for a team who wants to review his mechanics, but I wouldn't worry about it too much other than this is most likely a good thing. My son was filmed before each draft and not just by MLB.
If your son is a college player, and not draft eligible, I wouldn't go back asking the coach, your son can ask him who they were.
Last edited by TPM
I don't want to sound like I'm speaking in a negative light, because it's great that someone is taking consideration into your son's playing ability. However, I highly recommend that as a parent, you don't approach the head coach about anything that is not concrete. What I mean is this: don't pester him with speculation. He has plenty of other things to worry about. If a scout or advisor begins to approach you or your son directly, then I don't see an issue consulting the coach. Otherwise, a few flashes of a camera and tapes of video are all great side-factors of the game. Regardless of who is there to watch, your son is still just simply going to have to pitch.
Originally posted by rz1:
my bad, I thought HS

fwiw- If HS are the years in question make sure to ask about pics and vids

I checked back through previous posts and the player is eligible for this years draft. If a HS senior, it would also have been for the draft.

And a certain individual often says that I post wrong info. Frown

By the way, it takes a REAL man to admit when he is wrong. Smile
Last edited by TPM

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