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Now that's about the only sensible reason I can think of for banning booing! But could they just ban punching instead?

njbb - they even boo Santa Claus in your neck of the woods Big Grin

Seriously, they already have LAWS on the book for the kinds of things njbb is talking about:

1) Assault
2) Battery
3) Disturbing the Peace
etc. etc. etc.

Never meant to call theEH out of his box as Woodrow has so apptly pointed out Big Grin Those Canadien expressions do filter across the border from time to time - eh? Smile
When I went to watch my son play in the midwest I could not get over how nice the fans are.. I went to a MLB game in the mid west and the fans were nice! Very different from the northeast,where the fans are alittle tougher on players. .. and thats ok, People just don't react well when the player is their son

They weren't booing Santa,they were booing a sorry excuse for one Smile
Last edited by njbb

Sometimes watching a game I find myself applauding a player on the other team for a truly wonderful play.

Now this is REALLY dangerous...

- Seriously effects self esteem of cheering team, and fans.

- Geeze, Com'on...What kind of messages are we sending our kids?

- Destroys team unity.

- My Gosh, what will the other parents think!

- What will Dr. Phil have to cover on his show?

- Contributes to global warming (heart). Spontaneous goodwill might break out.

- Wasn't this already banned in some states by legislative action?

Cool 44
ahh booing is nothing. Try playing through gun fire.
Once while working a baseball camp in Philly. We were about to start a game, kids were about 10-12 yrs and some crazy guy had gun range maybe 200 feet from the field. He starts off with a single shot gun, then moves up to a shot gun , then a machine gun. Naturally the kids and staff were freaked out by Rambo, think someone called the police and the shooting stopped.
While a youngster, and then later as a student attending Oregon State University, I was fortunate and privileged to be able to see the mighty UCLA Bruin basketball teams come play at Gill Coliseum. Lew Alcindor, Sidney Wicks, Henry Bibby, Jamaal Wilkes, Marques Johnson, the rebel red head Bill Walton, and many! Great games...always!

And what a treat to watch the master, the legend himself, John Wooden, coach his team. He never allowed his players to behave boorishly...they were coached to always perform up to their very substantial potential on the court...prove it there.

The man set the standard, in my opinion, for exhibiting class...pure class. You just had to respect him and his teams (and even savor a win over them every now and then).

At one game, an OSU fan threw an apple in the direction of the Bruin bench and it hit Coach Wooden squarely and forcefully in the chest. I witnessed this. To this day I am ashamed and embarrassed by that incident. What could the jerk who threw the apple possibly have been thinking? Did he have any sense at all about who he had just walloped? Probably not. Fortunately behavior like that, in those days at least, was very rare.

It truly is on the shoulders of the fans, and not the legislators, to behave respectfully and represent their organization responsibly...and the odd one who goes too far is seen as an out-of-control those sitting in both sets of bleachers.

"Sports do not build character. They reveal it."
Last edited by gotwood4sale
Originally posted by gotwood4sale:
Originally posted by observer44:
- Contributes to global warming (heart). Spontaneous goodwill might break out.

Cool 44

That's good 44...real got me laughing on that one!

Woody - I thought you had a little more hair than that and was not quite that grey?

Seriously, your above post on John Wooden was excellent. Those were some great names you mentioned. I believe it was actually Keith Wilkes back then as well.
Me, too, mics. Old St. Louis tradition, cheering the good plays of both teams.

And I still do it at my son's college games --- applaud outstanding defense, applaud the departing pitcher (given that he did a good job....if he got rocked, it would be rude). Rarely applaud the opposition's home runs, though, so as not to show up the pitcher (or be soundly beaten by the pitcher's parents).

During the last weekend I spent watching the GSU games, boo's would have been preferable to the loud comments coming from two of the opposing pitchers' father's. Both were suffering from an extreme case of testosterone poisoning which manifested itself in trash talking in a manner that suggested that they, personally and completely, were responsible for their sons' pitching prowess. Either that, or they regressed to their 12-year-old personas. Wondered what the army of scouts in the stands thought about the potential baggage....
I find myself applauding a player on the other team for a truly wonderful play.

Anyone else do that?

All the time. Much to the disgust,dismay, and disappointment of the fans in the bleachers....A great play is a great play--doesn't matter who is doing it....even at the expense of my own chicldren.

After all, they still are kids, no matter how big they are---and I don't remember any high school (or grade school) player getting paid to play....
Originally posted by baseballtoday:
Let's be clear: It's NOT the State of Washington.

It is the Washington Athletic Association that is thinking about doing this.

Thanks for the clarification. But, I wonder what kind of police powers the WAA has.

I don't like the idea and I really think that we should be self-policing. I'll confront an obnoxious fan and let them know they are out of order. (Unless it's a Yankee fan. I'm not that courageous.)
Originally posted by SBK:
They should also ban the use of scoreboards.

Seriously though, I agree 100% that booing should be banned....... as soon as they quit charging admission.

Please! Don’t ban the scoreboards! Its bad enough us SK’s have to answer 1,000 questions a game if there is a scoreboard there. Do you want us all to die?Big Grin

Be careful about agreeing that booing can be banned as soon as they stop charging admission. In our section, HS’s aren’t allowed to charge admission for baseball or softball games.
Originally posted by Bee>:
by lcl: I can remember one game when my son was at Long Beach St... pitching against Fullerton. I sat behind home plate and let me say booing would have been a compliment from those fans.
we had been talking hs ... but as long as ya brought it up -
last time WE played Fullerton at their place, a half dozen of their fan/dads cornered a Cal Dad who's son was playing for the rival (that would be 4/6 on one, depending on who was swinging & who was peeing their pants) & tried to beat the snot out of him ... it seemed common-place to many of their fans & security ... & didn't seem to particularly bother coach horton (the lower case reference is a gift)

they're pretty much trailer trash .. even by the lowest standards

ps - no offense intended to any trailer park folks

Bullwinkle is a Big West fan and Bee> fan….but Bee>, for three years, I have never seen or heard of this type of problem in Goodwin Park. Fullerton is no different than Long Beach fans, to Arizona Fans, Southern Cal Fans, Texas fans, or Clemson fans. All highly successful programs that dominate at the yard have fans that dominate the heckling as well….Personally; I enjoy quality and stylish heckling. But I have noticed that it’s the parents of the players that can’t handle the booing, the players don’t even notice. Now, when the heckling is profane… we have crossed the line.

I have noticed that when beer is sold at the park, the language turns disrespectful, stupid and profane much quicker.
Originally posted by gotwood4sale:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Bullwinkle:
I have noticed that when beer is sold at the park, the language turns disrespectful, stupid and profane much quicker.

Well there is a solution to that...if it isn't sold, it shouldn't be a problem...right? Merely smuggle all of the beer in!

Last weekend our team played at a school that doesn't sell beer. We went anyway. They heckled my son too. He allowed a runner in the 9th inning. They yelled "He's running out of gas!! GET HIM A TWINKIE!!"

I thought that was uncalled for because he had a big breakfast. They were actually referring to the fact he has less (actually more) than "a lean projectable frame".
Last edited by Dad04
My son enjoys a good heckler as well. When they played Alabama, he was disappointed not only at how little heckling there was, but that they self-regulated. A man sitting behind home plate was on my son about being 'so bad they didn't even give you a number', and 'must be trying out, you've got no number'. After a couple of inning of this, a nearby woman (decked out in Bama gear), yelled 'will you shut up, his number is 1, it's hidden behind the strap'.
Originally posted by Bullwinkle:
[they're pretty much trailer trash .. even by the lowest standards

Bullwinkle is a Big West fan and Bee> fan….but Bee>, for three years, I have never seen or heard of this type of problem in Goodwin Park. Fullerton is no different than Long Beach fans, to Arizona Fans, Southern Cal Fans, Texas fans, or Clemson fans. All highly successful programs that dominate at the yard have fans that dominate the heckling as well….Personally; I enjoy quality and stylish heckling. But I have noticed that it’s the parents of the players that can’t handle the booing, the players don’t even notice. Now, when the heckling is profane… we have crossed the line.

Clemson fans heckle, no way. Roll Eyes

I wish you could have used another example though, Frown I have been told there is too much stuff mentioned about that place. Eek
Bullwinkle is a Big West fan and Bee> fan….but Bee>, for three years, I have never seen or heard of this type of problem in Goodwin Park. Fullerton is no different than Long Beach ...
Mr Winkle, admittedly my experience was a relativly limited window during a Kia Bash, tho the aforementioned w/other incidents led to weekend security escorts to & from the park for the fans of all 3 visiting teams ... but I'll give credence to your longer term observations. I've never seen anything like it since, but ... you only get one chance to make a first impression
Last edited by Bee>
Originally posted by rz1:

A sushi stuffed twinkie.

Paraphrasing some of Interstate Bakeries Corporation's marketing offering...and believe it or not...Twinkie Sushi is an idea mentioned in the text...really! I was unable to copy and paste...otherwise I would have shown you rz.

Introducing...THE TWUSHKIE!

One of America's best known and best loved snack cakes, Twinkies have been tantalizing taste buds and filling lunch boxes since 1930. Twinkies are the stuff of legends - President Clinton put one in Lord knows where - and have achieved the status of cultural icon. But to most people, they're just fun to eat!

Well now we've teamed the great appeal of the venerable Twinkie together with the scrumptious taste treat you crave...sushi. We are pleased to present...THE TWUSHKIE!

The moist, sweet taste of our Twinkie cake shell stuffed brimful with raw fish and various other raw, slimy delectable treats from the depths. It's finally your grocer's cooler...or freezer...or lobster tank...or wherever they decide to put can't keep this great idea down!

Whether you're carrying a supply in the glove box or tackle box for a quick on-the-road snack, freezing them, deep frying them, hooking or netting them, or just plain dipping them out of the fish bowl...this marriage of fin and flour is sure to bring a smile to your face and a rumble from down under.

We agree with creator rz's statement that "THE TWUSHKIE is the best darn-tootin', idea I ever snagged!"

Just like our Twinkies did in the past, we expect our THE TWUSHKIE to spark wonderful creative impulses, as moms, dads, school teachers, Fish and Game wardens, and whiz kids take to their kitchens and galleys to invent gourmet recipes, such as the Twin Screw TWUSHKIE, Deep Dish Troll TWUSHKIE, and the Reel 'Em in Raw TWUSHKIE (batteries not included).

THE TWUSHKIE! They'll lure you in...and remember "They're swimmingly good!
Last edited by gotwood4sale

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