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Originally posted by Bum:
I was hoping to see my son tonight on national television. He was at Yankees stadium unfolding a large American flag during the pregame ceremonies (West Point Cadet). I guess they cut out the premiminaries.

Oh well.

This is starting to irritate me somewhat nowadays. I want to see / watch what teams are doing for the national anthem and hear the great singers that nobody has really heard of sing the anthem. But in the name of the almight dollar we either get more commericals of stuff I'll never buy or more airtime for the talking heads that I don't give a rat's rear end on what they think.
I agree that too much pregame/in game stuff is cut out of broadcasts. I love hearing the national anthem and the lineups. It gives you a feel for the atmosphere even though you're not there. It's great to hear the home team wildly cheered and the boos for the opponents best players.

The same thing is true in football. They should show the anthems and flyovers and especially the entrances. I'm no Virginia Tech fan, but their entrance should be shown everytime they're on TV. Same thing with things like Mariano Rivera's entrance.

But there are no advertising dollars in these parts of the game. They'd rather show commercials, but I guess if they didn't sell commercials then there would be no broadcast.
Last edited by Emanski's Heroes
Don Orsillo and Buck Martinez are doing a very good job with Tampa Bay and Texas...just the way I like it not too much talking. Orsillo is one if the best play by play IMO. I realize that is a Red Sox homer statement, but he has a smooth delivery and knows when to shut up. His only transgression is getting silly with Jerry Remy sometimes on NESN broadcasts.
I think that covered stadiums and cooler weather = open windows. So it will be noisier. I know that when I listen to sons broadcast (on radio), it's quieter when the weather is warmer (closed for AC).

I am enjoying the broadcast and commentary. Pretty fair and even for all teams.

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