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You wonder if these are all personal vendettas rather than issues constituents want their representatives to debate.

Isn't there more important educational issues to fight for than setting up a youth sports oversight council that would act as mediator in disputes between parents of youth athletes and sports officials.

To me it sounds like a campaign donators kid did not make the team and Dad didn't get his way so he went to the senator.

What a waste
This country is being run, at all levels, by freaking idiots. I truly mean exactly what I said, they're idiots. When government doesn't work at many levels, if any, the last thing anyone needs is this kind of garbage. This conflict is as old as school sports, and it'll never go away. The problem is, too many politicians are control freaks who think they know everything better than the rest of us, and who desire to control outcomes of anything they can get their hands on. It is way past time for people to stand up and say ENOUGH OF THIS BS!

Tell them to go back to doing what they were put there for, to oversee things like fixing roads and making sure we have police and fire protection, and other useful services. I'd add educatin in, but most politicians seem to have that more messed up than many other aspects of society, at least in the way it is run.
It is way past time for people to stand up and say ENOUGH OF THIS BS!

If it's Tuesday it must be Iraq withdrawal deadline day. If it's Monday it must be bail out freaking financial idiot criminal day. If it's Wednesday it must be overhaul healthcare day. If it's Thursday it ust be "Who cares if the stock market crashes." day. If its Friday, it must be Federal Little League - Pop Warner Mediation Commission day.

When the unemployment rate hits 15% by the end of the year there are going to be alot of poor, hungry folks with nothing to do but get their pitch forks and torches and head for Washigton.
"He said the council is needed because right now there is no place to go to resolve disputes."

Regarding playing time and position there is a place to resolve disputes. He's called the head coach. The day a state appointed board decides my lineup is the day I quit coaching.
Pretty silly legislation. He should be very proud that this urgent and dangerous situation has been investigated and a solution determined. I don't know how the world functioned without this important intervention being in place for our disenfranchised parents and the dictators in power in our athletic departments.
Roll Eyes
LOL..Just what we need. Another goverment-run entity.

However, Little League has to get their head out of the sand and step in and force all the leagues at the local level to increase the MPR from 6 outs and 1 AB to 3 innings. After all, its rec ball and everybody's supposed to play. There are way too many rec ball little league whackjob daddyball coaches whose main concern is to get their kid playing time and the SS/P gigs and taking a recreation season way too serious that they'll bury kids so they need to enforce a 3 inning minimum.

Then when the all-stars, let the players earn their playing time.

The option for travel ball is out there for those coaches who don't like mpr.
Last edited by zombywoof
Originally posted by Dad04:
When the unemployment rate hits 15% by the end of the year there are going to be alot of poor, hungry folks with nothing to do but get their pitch forks and torches and head for Washigton.

To steal a line from The Hunt For Red October, at the end, when Sean Connery tells Alec Baldwin, "A little revolution every now and then is a good thing, no?"

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