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Baseball Dad46, You are new to the board and your son is new to HS baseball. Welcome to you, good luck to him.

Why don't you put together all your questions and start a discussion instead of starting a new thread evey time you have a random thought. It will make for a more informative discussion and help you and your son as you move throught the freshman season.
BD 46 – Welcome to the HSBBWeb. It’s great to see a new generation of parents and HS players join and participate in this great website.

This question has been debated as long as I have been coming around this site.

My son is long out of HS and is in the twilight of his BB career. While in HS he played both summer travel ball and with his HS summer team. Both experiences played different and equally important rolls in his baseball development and maturity. IMHO your son will benefit greatly if you can manage both experiences. We were blessed with a HS coach – one of the best in the state of Illinois (not opinion, fact) – that promoted the experience and recognized the merit of summer travel baseball.

Given the venues that my son played he definitely experienced better competition at the summer travel ball level.

You will find that there is a tremendous amount of great information that has been discussed with in these forums. These nuggets can get layered underneath years of postings and lost only to the true HSBBWeb archeologist. Some times these questions need to be asked again.

Good luck to BD 46 Jr.! It goes by way too fast. Please keep us post on how he is doing.

“Good pitching will always stop good hitting and vice-versa” ~ Casey Stengel
Last edited by Smokey

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