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Originally posted by TRhit:
I sure miss the days when the coach was the king---again I say we have gotten too soft--the kid, if in fact this all happened, was not hurt---and what about his YOU TUBE Video-- this episode has also cost his dad a payday has he has been pulled from the bowl game staff

If I ever went to my Dad complaining about a coaches punishment, I never did, he would have simply told me I probably deserved it

I want to see what the final outcome is

The coach is still king in college football and hoops. Kings canned for stupidity, though.

Last edited by Dad04
Originally posted by Dad04:
Leach got the kiss of death when Bobby Knight said he should get his big contract a couple of years ago. That's sort of like getting a foreign policy endorsement from Saddam.

I support coaches on all levels. It's a thankless job that coaches at the HS level and most colleges do for very little to next to nothing money. However, a coach does have to be held to standards... it is fair to have expectations out of them. KY fired it's basketball coach last year. Most nationally felt it was because he wasn't winning. There's no doubt that played a part in the equation. However, it had as much to do with certain behaviors off the court and his treatment of his players behind the scenes. These are young people that deserve respect, guidance, and mentoring. Not having things thrown at them, cussed out, or forced to be humiliated. There can be a fine line between discipline and abuse. Most coaches understand that.... occasionally one forgets and they should be held accountable.
Trojan-skipper, below is the interview taken from workinghard's link above. It answers your question about James' dad meddling about playing time.

Former Texas Tech coach Mike Leach ripped Adam and Craig James and questioned Tech's motives for firing him in his first media interview since his firing at about 11:30 p.m. on New Year's Eve on ESPN. Leach, speaking from Crested Butte, Colorado and interviewed by Rece Davis, said he had few regrets.

Leach was fired Wednesday for his alleged mistreatment of Adam James, a sophomore receiver, and for insubordination. Leach allegedly ordered James put in a dark place twice when he couldn't practice after suffering a concussion. James' father is Craig James, an ESPN analyst and former SMU star.

Here's what was said:

On Adam James' attitude:
"I think he's lazy. I think that there's a sense of entitlement and really this isn't an independent thought on my part. It's pretty well documented in a number of statements by teammates and both of his position coaches. I can assure you that everybody in our program wants to win badly enough that it's far, far, far too important to all of them to play the best one instead of: A.) show preferential treatment or B.) deliberately cheat somebody that's got a father looking over our shoulder all the time, but also has a lot of money and influence and a big microphone."

On how he defines meddling:
"When you call coaches, you call me, call his position coaches, both of them, you call other administrators on campus or you come to practices and want to have constant discussions on your son and their playing time. Craig James required more time than all of the other parents combined."

On where he suggested James go during practice:
"I didn't. I said, find some place dark and one place was as good as the next, and that was close to the field, and plus they had the ice machine."

On what a coach's role should be in handling injured players:
"I think you defer to the doctor, which brings up a good point. I have a statement by Dr. Micheal Phy, who's the doctor that treated Adam James and diagnosed him with a concussion. The most important line on the statement says, 'according to the information given to me, no additional risks or harm were imposed on Adam by what he was asked to do.'"

On at what point he felt he'd be unable to resolve the situation with Tech:
"They suspended me and there was no explanation on that. You saw the letter on the suspension and the letter is all I've been given on the subject. I think it probably has to do with power and control... Given how hard my staff and team had worked to go to the bowl, as we have all 10 in a row, it was important to me to exercise my right to have my opportunity to play in the bowl."

On why he was fired:
"I think it has to do with they don't want to pay the money. Last year they didn't want to pay the money [in contract negotiations]. Based on popular opinion and public pressure and things like that, they got in a position where, to save face, they had to give me a competitive contract, which they did. Then I think whether it's for financial reasons or what, they decided not to follow through. Now essentially they're trying to steal the money."

On what he would do differently:
"I can't think of a great deal that I'd do differently. I don't have a lot of regrets. I go out and do the best that I can.. and just let the rest take care of itself."
Last edited by Infield08
Trojan, this might be what you are referring to, but I have also read it other places.

Unfortunately this is the youth of today-so many are used to getting what they want and if they don't, then they scream and cry about it until they do. Adam James quit the Tech baseball team mid-season his freshman year because he didn't like the coaches and he wasn't getting enough playing time. As a senior in HS, no one recruited him to play college football, but his daddy made a call to Leach and Leach agreed to take him . Leach's coaching staff didn't want him and advised Leach not to take him because of his poor work ethic- his HS coach wouldn't even recommend him! It's a sad day when a University takes the word of a has been pro-football player who had been paid to play in college...and his son who doesn't want to work for his position. According to the Lubbock TV stations and newspaper, James had been released by the team physician to participate in practices, but refused, so Leach allowed him to not practice. Leach requires his injured players to attend practice, but James didn't even want to stand on the sideline, so Leach had him go into the garage near the field one day where he had access to ice for his headache. On another day, Leach had him go to the airconditioned press/media room (called an electrical closet by James.) Both days he was supervised by a licensed trainer and 2 assistant trainers. Gee-that was too much for him. He didn't like being isolated, but he didn't want to attend practice either...he probably wanted to sit in his house watching TV...and then just make the trip to SA for the bowl game. I hope he has somewhere to transfer to for next semester because I highly doubt he will be welcome at TTU. They take their football very seriously there and I think the students would choose the pirate leader over the wimpy James.
Wow has anyone else seen the interview Mike Leach had with ESPN? He was asked "Describe Adam James attitude as a player." Leach went on to say many things "lazy" "sense of entitlement." Then Leach went on to describle his dad as "meddleing constantly" "called coaches constantly" "came to practice and asked coaches questions" etc etc. "Craig James required more of our attention than every parent in our program combined."

This is starting to shape up alot like CPLZ said he thought it would.
I guess some of the issues we talk about here at the hsbbweb about over-involved parents don't even come close to Craig James. If you believe Mike Leach who was just interviewed by ESPN, Adam James was a lazy prima donna. Worse, according to him, Craig James was a notorius meddler who was constantly calling the head coach, position coaches, and attending practices complaining about playing time. He said James' interaction with the coaches and associated complaints were more than all the other parents combined Eek
I think Adam needs to find another place to play. Its hard for me to believe that he will be able to stay at TT after this. And I believe that his dad is going to suffer greatly for this as well. And I believe that there are more than a few top programs that are going to be after Coach Leach if not already.

I watched the interview and was struck by the candor that Coach Leach spoke with. It appears that the medical staff is backing Coach Leach on this one big time. It also appears that the Administration was looking for a reason to make a change and took this situation as a way of justifying it. Very sad situation for everyone.
Originally posted by Coach_May:
Wow has anyone else seen the interview Mike Leach had with ESPN? He was asked "Describe Adam James attitude as a player." Leach went on to say many things "lazy" "sense of entitlement." Then Leach went on to describle his dad as "meddleing constantly" "called coaches constantly" "came to practice and asked coaches questions" etc etc. "Craig James required more of our attention than every parent in our program combined."

This is starting to shape up alot like CPLZ said he thought it would.

If the Jameses are coach killers, Leach should have cut the kid long ago.
I'm not a betting man, but if I were I'd sure put my money on the fact that I doubt Adam James would be welcomed on ANY football program after this is all said and done.

Don't forget what we've all heard for some time from scouts, when you sign the kid, you sign the parents.

Put a fork in him, his football playing days are over.
A few more tidbits from Lubbock Land-

"Former Auburn coach Tommy Tuberville became the second coach to acknowledge interest in the job opening – joining Ruffin McNeill, the Tech defensive coordinator and interim head coach."

"The Associated Press reported police have increased patrols of the family home in Celina because of Internet threats to James, who is the son of Craig James, an ESPN football analyst and former SMU star."
I'd take everything Mike Leach says with a huge grain of salt, just as I would with Craig James. There's probably truth somewhere in the middle of it all. But I'm not surprised Leach came out with both barrels blasting. He's showing the same sort of uncompromising, bombastic attitude that got him fired by TT for insubordination. He sued his employer instead of trying to work the problem out. The James kid and his dad might indeed be complete pains in the butt, but Leach's actions in handling the situation showed that he thought he was bigger than the university. You just can't be like that. And I'd still like to get the full story on the seriousness of the injury.
As a Texas Tech alum, it is a sad day to be a Red Raider. Leach had definitely made football fun in Lubbock! College Game Day there last year, etc. The high graduation rate, the bowl games, etc.

Very upsetting to read the emails from the administration about the contract negotiations from last year. The whole situation has not been handled well by anyone and the Red Raider community is furious and 95% behind Leach. On Facebook - "Team Leach" has 36,000 members and is growing each minute.

There is always more to the story that I doubt we will ever hear about....

One thing my husband and I noticed - did you hear (in the long ESPN interview) Coach Leach talk about Adam coming to practice with his baseball cap on backwards? We laughed - coaches never change - they hate the backward caps!
Last edited by curveball07
I want to say this, after reading and watching everything, I support Coach Leach 100%.

His own statements vs. the James kid and family, if it's not the truth, then it'll come out in the wash.

Think about this, this man's career was destroyed at Texas Tech in which the James kid and family assisted with ... so for Mr. Leach to fire back with what I believe his truthful side of the story is only natural.

The man is defending himself since he has been attacked and removed from this position.

Wonder why some folks inside the walls are defending Coach Leach now? Do you think they would fear for their own job?

"The Truth shall set your free"

Just my own honest opinion and respectfully shared.
Last edited by MILBY
Let's be clear here...Leach destroyed his own career. And it's not because of the James kid situation. It's because of the way Leach handled his interactions with the school. If you refuse follow the direct order of your manager, you get fired in darn near every job out there. He was fired for insubordination and he'll have a hard time finding a new job because people don't like to hire people that won't follow their boss' orders. Said differently, Leach would have fired any of his assistants had they done the same thing Leach did.
lol...If you really think Leach is going to have trouble finding another job you do not pay close attention to the landscape of college sports. There are tons of colleges that want to get into the lime light and get into top bowls so that they can get the kind of money that Leach has brought to Texas Tech. You have a coach who is the winningest coach in the history of Tech, has gone to a bowl game every year, and has the 3rd highest graduation rate amongst ranked teams, and is ranked 4th for consecutive winning seasons. Yeah this guys is going to have a hard time finding a job. In fact I think this sound familiar. Wasn't there a coach that supposedly was fired for amongst other things insubordination and was never going to coach again. If memory stands correct I believe Texas Tech hired him to run their basketball program.
I believe there is enough blame to go around for everyone in this situation. I also believe that Coach Leach will learn from this situation. If he does he will coach again because he is a brilliant football coach. If he doesnt learn from this situation he might still land a job but he will suffer the same consequences down the road eventually.

To me the real loser in all of this is Adam James. He will be remembered the rest of his life as the son of Craig James who got his college coach fired for __________________________.

Also Craig James will suffer in this as well. Its very hard to watch him do a game without thinking about this situation first.

So there are no winners in all of this just losers. That is pretty much the way these things tend to go.
socal...I didn't say he would never coach again. I said he would have a hard time. I don't expect him to be the HC of as high a profile team as TxTech in 2010. I understand it from the press here in Dallas, the direct order was to sign the letter of apology that also spoke to future conduct and he refused to swallow his ego and do it. So he got suspended. He then decided to sue his employer and his employer didn't seem to care for that approach. Smile
Last edited by Tx-Husker
I think Leach is a better coach than many who get paid alot more than he does. He simply doesnt play the game like many of those guys do. He says what he feels and he doesnt care who likes it. The reason he was so successful at TT is he got alot of kids with a chip on their shoulder for being passed over by the big boys. Guys with something to prove. He attracted kids with the same type of mentality that he has.

What makes guys like Leach so good at what they do also lands them in hot water many times with administrators. Hard headed s o b that can coach his a s s off. I dont see Leach as a guy who is going to suk up to anyone for any reason. Or back down when he believes he is right. Just sayin. I dont have all the facts. Probably never will. One things for sure doing what he believed was the right thing to do was more important than keeping his job to him.
Originally posted by Tx-Husker:
socal...I didn't say he would never coach again. I said he would have a hard time. I don't expect him to be the HC of as high a profile team as TxTech in 2010.

Agree on both statements. However, was the HC that brought that team to the profile it has today.

as I understand it from the press here in Dallas, the direct order was to sign the letter of apology that also spoke to future conduct and he refused to swallow his ego and do it. So he got suspended.

So are you saying that if your boss forced you to sign a letter of apology and you felt you had nothing to apologize for that you would sign it?

He then decided to sue his employer and his employer didn't seem to care for that approach.

Are you stating that if you felt suspended unjustly you would not fight it?
Last edited by socalhscoach
What makes guys like Leach so good at what they do also lands them in hot water many times with administrators.quote]

...and administrators hire.

[quote]I dont see Leach as a guy who is going to suk up to anyone for any reason.

...he's going to have to suk up to get hired. He's not in a position to demand anything.

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