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I really enjoyed watching Texas last year as they're not the usual team we get to see on TV here in the Midwest. I was so disappointed that they didn't play well in the WS so here's another opportunity.

Kinsler, Hamilton, Wilson, Young, Cruz, Napoli...tons of fun to watch. Ron Washington hopping around in the dugout like a little kid.

Speaking of a little kid. I love to watch a player who is so good and has so much fun playing the game. Case in point, Josh Hamilton.

When I read his book, I was put off a little in the beginning with his description of how good he was. It just didn't sound right coming directly from him.

But I finished the book, was able to see him speak in person last winter and have followed him ever since...right up to last night after he made that great catch when he ran off the field with a huge smile on his face as if to say, "wow, I can't believe I just did that!"

He's as genuine as you can get and he, along with his entire team is a joy to watch.
Last edited by biggerpapi
Originally posted by biggerpapi:
... was able to see him speak in person last winter and have followed him ever since...right up to last night after he made that great catch when he ran off the field with a huge smile on his face as if to say, "wow, I can't believe I just did that!"
We were fortunate to host Josh and Katie last year as a fundraiser for GUN's baseball team. It was on Valentines Day, and my wife loved it as much as I did. Their message is very powerful!

It was a great catch, one of his "signature" leaps and the combat roll! The one earlier in the same inning, the Jackson foul ball that resulted in our version of Steve Bartman was just as good. He raced to the wall, climbed the pad and he would have made that play too. Too his credit, he did not react to a fan preventing an important out as Jackson homered two pitches later! Just takin' care of business.

We hated to leave the stadium. It was so cool, the fans were high fiving complete strangers as we left the field. It was like a rock concert, my ears were ringing from the chant "Let's go Rangers"

One guy cracked GUN up as we walked to the car. He slapped GUN on the back and said "let's go BIG'un"

BOF's right too, maybe we were all just little kids in the stands. No doubt, one of life's gems, to spend that night with my son.... good times!

Congratulations to the Rangers and their fans...really took my Tigers out behind the woodshed in Game 6!

Series was fun to watch (until the 3rd inning of Gm 6), haven't really seen a lot of Texas beyond their games with the Tigers all season, but love the way they play the game (and love the organizational philosophy about starting pitching!).

Good Luck in the World Series, Ranger fans - bring that trophy back to Big D and the American League!

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