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It is interesting to read the posts from both players and parents

The coach makes it no fun\

There is politics that make it impossible for me to get a fair shot\

The coaches kid plays my position\

Perhaps we will transfer to another school\

To me these are all excuses---perhaps you don't have the talent to make the team or perhaps you have the talent but don't wotk hard enough to earn a spot

It seems that in todays world of HS there are too many people with excuses or crutches as I term them

I always felt that if you want it bad enough you will get it
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Originally posted by TRhit:
It is interesting to read the posts from both players and parents

The coach makes it no fun\

There is politics that make it impossible for me to get a fair shot\

The coaches kid plays my position\

Perhaps we will transfer to another school\

To me these are all excuses---perhaps you don't have the talent to make the team or perhaps you have the talent but don't wotk hard enough to earn a spot

It seems that in todasys world of HS there are too many people with excuses or crutches as I term them

I always felt that if you want it bad enough you will get it

All these have been covered in other posts and threads!
Oh good grief,...
The world is not perfect. There are bound to be problems,...sometimes it has nothing to do with talent or lack of.
Sometimes its just a crummy situation.
Some get lucky,...others dont.

Some are just better at crawling out of the hole, than others. Might not have anything to do with baseball at all, but it is nice when things have a way of working themselves out. Unfortunately that doesn't always happen.

I dont call it a crutch,..I call it life.
Last edited by shortstopmom
ssmom ...

Agree with what you said, especially the desire for world peace ...

To some people, it may appear that parents/players are making excuses, using crutches, etc. but there are real situations in which the player does want it enough, does have enough talent, does work hard enough, but still gets the short end of the deal. It happened to our son, not at the high school level, but at the 'elite/trave/fill-in-the-blank' level because of the head coach of the team. (In this case, our son was actually penalized for wanting to work harder and play more ... go figure.) Our job as his parents was to find a constructive way to help him deal with it, which we did. But again, it is not always the players and/or parents fault when things don't work out.

But that is just my opinion ... what do I know?
Another gem from TR.

I know a 2009 kid from around here who had a "bad" situation yet had the guts as a sophomore to leave his high school where the coach had few outside connections and was a jerk obsessed with testing players' respect (for him). College recruiters avoid this guy.

The kid took a chance, found a new high school with great coaches and today (as a junior) is sitting on a full ride offer from ASU.

A crutch? Perhaps, but perhaps also a crutch he rides all the way to the College World Series.

Doesn't appear that talent or work ethic were an issue here.
Originally posted by TRhit:
I always felt that if you want it bad enough you will get it

Well, you thought wrong. I'm surprised that anyone with your experience would still believe that such a statement is always true.

Life is not always fair. And not every obstacle can be overcome by human effort. No one treads this earth without experiencing some failure. It is how we deal with that failure that is important.
The reality is that most of the time the coach is right and the parents are wrong.

The reality is that not every coach is right all of the time.

The reality is that sometimes there's no right or wrong that it is just a matter of preference for a style of player.

The reality is that when the coach is wrong he still decides who plays.

The reality is that if a player is that talented, works hard, keeps improving, supports his teamates, and still doesn't get a chance to play in HS then he'll probably get a chance to play in college.

BTW, world peace wouldn't be a bad thing... Smile
Last edited by CADad
I'm tending to agree with TRhit on this one.

However, the definition of "want" is not to lie on your bed and dream about "wanting" to play varsity baseball.

"Wanting it" means to be willing to put in the work it takes to get better to achieve that goal.

I also believe that goals need to be amended over time. Not everyone, no matter how much they "want" something, will have the ability or the opportunity.

I've told my kids to work hard in school and look at things like sports medicine. So when the dream (want) of baseball ends, they can still have a job that involves baseball.
Small piece of reality about this thread.

HS coach "loved" my 02, same coach "didn't like" or didn't "believe" in my 04. Even said the 04 only made the team because of his brother.

04 worked hard, rarely played, stayed with it, made the most of the shots he got. Local JC took him, played little 1st part of Freshman season, made the most of the shots he got. By the end of that season he was starting and now as a sr at a D2 school he is still starting, and playing when ever the coach asks, even if it is not "where or when he would like."

We don't always get what we want, and can ALWAYS make excuses. I give it up to my 04, he has guts, determination, and believes in himself, and makes no excuses. He misses a spot and gives one up, he says he missed his spot and the guy got him. He strikes him out, or gets the ground ball, he knows he did his job.

As I said he is a Sr, we are almost done. One extra sememster and the 04 will have his bachelor's degree, another item the naysayers would say would never happen for him. Don't give up, he needed tutors and help his first year, and then as he says, something clicked, still had to work extra hard for a C, and the occasional B.

Not to worry, he's not going to be a rocket scientist, but he'll make a great employee as he is a team player, and makes NO EXCUSES!
Originally posted by 02^04Mom:
Small piece of reality about this thread.

HS coach "loved" my 02, same coach "didn't like" or didn't "believe" in my 04. Even said the 04 only made the team because of his brother.

04 worked hard, rarely played, stayed with it, made the most of the shots he got. Local JC took him, played little 1st part of Freshman season, made the most of the shots he got. By the end of that season he was starting and now as a sr at a D2 school he is still starting, and playing when ever the coach asks, even if it is not "where or when he would like."

We don't always get what we want, and can ALWAYS make excuses. I give it up to my 04, he has guts, determination, and believes in himself, and makes no excuses. He misses a spot and gives one up, he says he missed his spot and the guy got him. He strikes him out, or gets the ground ball, he knows he did his job.

As I said he is a Sr, we are almost done. One extra sememster and the 04 will have his bachelor's degree, another item the naysayers would say would never happen for him. Don't give up, he needed tutors and help his first year, and then as he says, something clicked, still had to work extra hard for a C, and the occasional B.

Not to worry, he's not going to be a rocket scientist, but he'll make a great employee as he is a team player, and makes NO EXCUSES!

02^04Mom - what a great post that was!
As an ex coach for close to 30 years and still teaching I have to say that there is a lot more excuse making than when I first got into it. I remember when i first started we would have tryouts watch the kids throw catch and run. the first day I could drop the kids that could not and I did. Now we are talking about those that were very weak. No problem. later on in my tenure complaints about not seeing the kid hit. I was told by those above me to have them hit. It changed nothing except the excuse that we never saw the kid hit. So basically it was to placate. today we have the helicopter parent. The one that hovers. In the classroom why did he or she fail the test. Did I not cover the material. I must not have done something. Can I give makeup work? on and on. Was it there 20 -30 years ago yes but in my experience it happens more frequently.
For the Texans (dbg and others) who want a RAY OF SUNSHINE here you go:

I don't usually get into the personal aspects with my players etc but this one is worth noting for all you naysayers--- yesterday I got a call from a corporation executive with regard to a player of ours who had graduated college and was seeking employment---I have known the boy since his junior HS year and all thru his college career when we stayed in touch---I talked with the genetlemen at length and told him what I knew about the young man---last nite I got an email from the young man who played with us--he got the position and wanted to thank me for whatever I said as the interviewer mentioned me by name and mentioned none of his other references

Thats what it all about folks even for those who don't realize it yet
Last edited by TRhit
TR, you probably think that was no big deal and anyone would have done the same, but I don't think that is the case. Many would not have taken the time and taken the reference responsibility seriously. That was a really good thing you did for that kid and he might now be on the way to something great because of it.
Last edited by YHF
Originally posted by TRhit:
--- yesterday I got a call from a corporation executive with regard to a player of ours who had graduated college and was seeking employment---I have known the boy since his junior HS year and all thru his college career when we stayed in touch---I talked with the genetlemen at length and told him what I knew about the young man... --he got the position and wanted to thank me...
"Blatant self promotion!" That is the response I would expect you would write if someone else wrote about their success in baseball or school. Just tellin' it like it is.

Wow Roll Eyes - you're a really nice guy for helping this person. Congrats on helping the kid.

This whole thread has morphed. I maintain my original opinion that your inital topic was simply an excuse (is that a crutch?) to spew negative opinions at a very broad target (players & parents) that don't share your values. Spew elsewhere. This is a better place than that.

I would expect no other response than that from you.

You ask for a ray of sunshine, I give you one and then you respond as you did--sorry pal --you keep the same stripes

AND if you are going to quote me QUOTE THE ENTIRE PIECE not just the part you want to use to defame me--typical of your thinking !!!
OK. (Everybody! In your best yoga mantra) Ahoooommm. Feel the negativity.

Happy now?

Originally posted by TRhit:
It is interesting to read the posts from both players and parents

The coach makes it no fun\

There is politics that make it impossible for me to get a fair shot\

The coaches kid plays my position\

Perhaps we will transfer to another school\

To me these are all excuses---perhaps you don't have the talent to make the team or perhaps you have the talent but don't wotk hard enough to earn a spot

It seems that in todays world of HS there are too many people with excuses or crutches as I term them

I always felt that if you want it bad enough you will get it

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