Originally posted by Coach May:
Bulldog since you graduated from hs just last year maybe you can give us some insight. Did your school have sworn resource officers present at it? Were they armed? How did this make you feel? How safe was your school? Do you feel that testing students that participate in sports is wrong? Would you feel that your rights were being violated if you were required to be tested?
When you go to the airport do you go through the screening process or do you yell "Dont violate my rights"? Are we glad they screen at airports? Or do we wish they would just trust us not to blow up the plane?
Dont drug test you are violating my rights!
Then do away with DWI checkpoints. We dont want to violate the rights of all the drivers that get stopped and are not drinking. How unfair is this. Just because we are trying to get that one drunk off the road that might kill someone.
Requireing someone to take a drug test as part of the criteria for a job. Truck Driver - Law Enforcement etc - Is that violating your rights?
I just disagree thats all. I will just sit back and read this thread I have said enough. But I do respect everyones right to believe in what they believe. Its never personal to me.
Coach May, yes I graduated just this last spring. Little bit about my high school...
I went to Waterloo High School in Waterloo, IL. Our high school has roughly 950 students that come from the "city" in Waterloo, the surrounding countryside, and at times it can be very diverse mixing the two. Waterloo is a community of roughly 10,000 while Monroe County has something like 22,000 or thereabouts. The majority of K-12 students in the county go to the Waterloo School District. We have some issues but for the most part the high school is pretty safe.
You asked about the presences or absence of law enforcement officers. Yes, we have on school resource officer at Waterloo High School. He is a sworn officer with the Waterloo Police Department. He also teaches DARE at the elementary school. The officer is armed with what I would guess is a standard sidearm and a taser. He's a great guy; very student-oriented.
Last year we even had the Chief of Police in the school! Him and about 4 other officers on that morning. Our school had a student claim that her ex-boyfriend was going to bring a gun so they had two officers at each end of the building for the short day we day scheduled.
Our former Chief of Police used to do self-defense with the female PE students along with our football coach who is active in martial arts. He was also known to substitute as a teacher on occasion.
We often have law enforcement at our school for events. Football, s****r, basketball, etc they'll wonder in while on duty for awhile sometimes. At football our SRO is almost always there and there's typically one more there for at least a little while. I guess last year or maybe the year before we had an officer at one of our baseball games. He had brought the K9 out I think just to give the dog an opportunity to get out of the car while they were on duty.
Also, they bring the K9 through the school to check lockers. Before the city police department got a K9, the county would bring one and the Illinois State Police would bring one.
Ok so I've gone on a bit of a tangent, but to answer your questions Coach May--Yes we have an SRO and yes I felt safe in the school generally.
I forgot a couple of your questions Coach. You asked about drug screening and if I would have been opposed to it.. I actually did HAVE TO submit to a drug test not for athletics but as a part of my application process for the United States Military Academy. I wouldn't have opposed it really. I would have been upset that it was needed, but I wouldn't complain to the administrators for them doing it. More so I would complain about why students felt the need to use steroids, alcohol, etc