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I started a new post because I did not want friends on this site to miss my appreciation for their support buried in an old post

1 opinion, 2 opinion, 3 opinion, Tommy John

I want to thank all fellow websters for their prayers and well wishes. However, after jumping through the last HMO hoop next Monday it looks like we will meet the famous Dr James Andrews in Mid-March.

This has been a very surreal experience where you try to find some reasoning for the injury. Before I could even address that with Ryan he said to me....

...and don't give me that "candyasss" line that everything happens for a reason, this happened because I'm a pitcher, and these things happen to pitchers. If you want to sit around and try to justify it, go ahead, I'm going to move on, I have a lot of work to do.

If attitude is good medicine, he'll do just fine.
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It sounds like your son has the right attitude. Good luck to him and to YOU!

I have been a HUGE fan of Tommy John since his White Sox days. Not only did I read his book My Twenty-six Years in the Majors twice, but I HIGHLIGHTED most of it. Didn't he have more success AFTER his surgery than BEFORE???

I'm confident that that will happen to Ryan, too. We'll be praying for him.
Last edited by play baseball

If attitude is good medicine, he'll do just fine.

Attitude is not only good medicine, but is also strong medicine.

I'm sorry to hear of this development, of course, but I am relieved to know that your son now knows what he is dealing and he are also quite relieved I'm sure.

We will keep your son in our prayers...thanks for keeping us posted...please continue to do so.

Last edited by gotwood4sale

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