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I didn't like it when Roger Clemens did it and I still don't.

Roy Oswalt apparently didn't think any teams in the off-season were good enough so he's going to wait until mid-season so he can determine who's a contender.

I just don't think that's right and sends a bad message to young players coming up.
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I'm not fond of this approach either. I guess it offends my teamwork ethic of being there from the beginning and being part of something the team accomplishes over the whole long season. It's like these guys just sit back (although I know they are working out) and wait for someone else to get the team in position to win and then they get the glory and push someone else aside. That's professional sports but I don't have to like it.
In this case, I do not think it has anything to do with team. This is a business decision. Teams made the decision of what they were willing to offer Oswalt. As a free agent, he made the decision to reject them and take this course of action. It is gamble on his part to balance a desire to continue to play, with things that are in his control, location and dollars. Simply attempt to maximize his leverage by being available at a crucial time for some team in the future. he is risking not playing and the possibility of ending his career should a team not feel the need of his services due to injury or performance. It is nothing personal, just business.
Originally posted by baseball17:
In this case, I do not think it has anything to do with team. This is a business decision. Teams made the decision of what they were willing to offer Oswalt. As a free agent, he made the decision to reject them and take this course of action. It is gamble on his part to balance a desire to continue to play, with things that are in his control, location and dollars. Simply attempt to maximize his leverage by being available at a crucial time for some team in the future. he is risking not playing and the possibility of ending his career should a team not feel the need of his services due to injury or performance. It is nothing personal, just business.

I agree with the above. It's all about business, and ML players that have FA status have the right to wait for what they want, just as teams have the right to offer or not. He also wanted the role as starter only, which limited him for team interest as many teams at this time are set with their rotation, someone's injury will determine where he will go, how much offered and how much he will accept. It was his gamble and I think it was a good one.
Originally posted by biggerpapi:
I didn't like it when Roger Clemens did it and I still don't.

Roy Oswalt apparently didn't think any teams in the off-season were good enough so he's going to wait until mid-season so he can determine who's a contender.

I just don't think that's right and sends a bad message to young players coming up.

And guess who was pitching for the Astros when Roger did this? Roy O.
I don't think it's quite like Roger because I think this is an implicit admission that Roy isn't fully healthy yet.

Clemens was clearly just being a hired gun to get a ring. While that is sort of everyone's aim in finding a new team, Roy would probably gladly take the highest bidder if he knew he could both start and finish the season right now.
From a teamwork point of view it looks bad yes. But baseball is an individualized team sport. He feels he will be best for a team towards the end of a season and address someones needs down the road.

The rocket was a little different situation but whether its right or wrong the better you can throw it the more you can get away with and teams will be okay with it
One year (don't remember if it was the same one) Roger didn't travel with the team if his spot in the rotation wasn't scheduled to pitch.

That being said, when he pitched he gave it everything he had. I remember him coming into a very long (playoff?) game in relief and pitching several innings. It was an amazing effort.

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