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I know I'm going to make some of you sick of me but here goes:

Hearing about Palmerio

Seeing the Yankees and/or Red Sox every 5 minutes on ESPN or Sports Center or PTI or...

Seeing Yankees or Red Sox or American League East or American League on the ESPN games.

NOT HEARING MORE ABOUT THINGS SUCH AS DEREK LEE AND HIS SEASON. Why? You could also include Pujos and Caberra (sp) in this.

Hearning about Danica Patrick

Hearing Stephen A. Smith on anything let alone his program.

Hearing sports announcers make absolutely stupid statements. Example - Foul ball almost out of play. Announcers during Cardinal game the other day actually stated that the batter would be out on an "INFIELD FLY." WHAT?

Hearing Wilbond on PTI the other day state that Willis will win the Cy Young Award and then he states taht Willis will beat the Cardinals that night to prove it. WHY NO RETRACTION THE NEXT DAY?

Hearing Woody on Around the Horn etc. get absolutely absurd on some of his statements.

Hearing statements such as yesterday on Sports Center on "How many games does Clements have to win (He had 10 now) to guarantee him back to back Cy Youngs Awards."


Last Night's PTI:



Not one item contained anything about the National League. Yet, Palmerio was discussed 3 DIFFERENT TIMES!

"Failure depends upon people who say I can't."  - my dad's quote July 1st, 2021.  CoachB25 = Cannonball for other sites.

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Speaking of overpublicized discontented Yankees, Sheff speaks:

Sheffield all but appointed himself the Yankees' most valuable player in an interview with New York magazine, accusing reporters of distorting the truth and ruining team chemistry.

"I know who the leader is on the team," Sheffield told the magazine. "I ain't going to say who it is, but I know who it is. I know who the team feeds off. I know who the opposing team comes in knowing they have to defend to stop the Yankees.

"I know this. The people don't know. Why? The media don't want them to know. They want to promote two players in a positive light, and everyone else is garbage."

Sheffield was batting .302 this season entering Friday night's game against Toronto, a percentage point behind Jeter and well behind Rodriguez's team-leading .316.

Rodriguez also leads in home runs (30) and RBIs (85). Sheffield's 21 homers and 81 RBIs are tied for second in both categories.

Sheffield said the heavy scrutiny that goes with playing in New York inhibits friendships in the locker room.

"This is the first team I've been on where no one sits at their locker," he said. "It's where you build your chemistry, just talking about life. I'm used to having six chairs around me, but here if there are six chairs, then there's going to be 20 reporters."

Even if the clubhouse were less hectic, Sheffield said he wouldn't grow too close to any teammates.

"I don't trust that many people," he told New York. "Just my mother and my wife and a couple of friends. When I trust people, it doesn't end well."

Sheffield was never known for his congeniality during tumultuous stops in Milwaukee and Los Angeles. He blamed the media for his reputation.

"It happens because you're white and I'm black," Sheffield said. "My interpretation of things is different. You don't see it the way I see it. You write how you understand it, how you would articulate it, not how I, as a black man, would articulate it."

How does he possibly stay in that horrific situation?
CONG, we had a rain shower this morning. It was the first one in weeks. We have been upper 90s for sooooooooo long. 97? That is high for you guys. We've been there a bunch. We played a softball tournament last weekend where the temp one game was 103. IT IS A VERY PLEASANT 85 OUTSIDE!!!

BACK TO THE SUBJECT! I let my Sports Illustrated subscription run out. NOTHING IN THERE FOR ME ANYMORE!
Oh this Alaska weather is just perfect although I want a little sunshine on me Cool.

SI only puts a This Week in Sports page on Baseball and sometimes an article. The one on Harden and Crosby this week was a good one though. There is a good pic of them together. And everyoen needs to look at the NFL's hardest workout. There is a pic of Tiki Barber squatting 950 lbs. Eek
Sounds like there are a lot of Texas Hold'em (just sounds wrong) fans out there.

But alas, fear not, the figure skating preseason is in full swing, soon to be followed by the first of 35465655,3545454545,354556565 pre-NFL Draft/College football commitment reports.

But relief, in the form of a puck, is on the way.

The Dog Days of August Stink. Really.
In another thread, I think it is the coaches thread there is a conversation about lack of skills.

At the major league level I am hearing that players are arriving with less than the anticipated level of base running savvy.........
(not just my brother's team but across the board)

And, if you watch a game a night for an entire week, you will see it plain as day. I am told that there are many players who are not anywhere near where they used to be coming into MLB and I am guessing it is our generation and the fact that the kids dont play enough....because of video, etc?

It is sad to see kids called up to the majors and given a chance to make a difference... their inadequacies on the basepaths NOW may make that "ever so long" quest even longer!
Last edited by Chill

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