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Originally posted by Danny Boydston:
Like it or not, today is a new day for America and the World. Time will be the judge as to whether success or failure began today! Cool
Is this the first time the United States has ever had presidential transition? Other than the history of the first black president, what's the big deal? Is anyone else concerned about the country being led by an ideologue severely in lacking experience?

Or as a friend put it who is a staunch Democrat, but not a fan of Obama, "If you listen to the media we're having our first coronation."
Last edited by RJM
Is this the first time the United States has ever had presidential transition? Other than the history of the first black president, what's the big deal?

Really, you do not think all Presidential Inauguration's are a big deal? Regardless of political affiliation, regardless of skin color, I do believe every time we have a new President sworn in, it is a "Big Deal". I guess it's just the love for our country in me!
Is this the first time the United States has ever had presidential transition? Other than the history of the first black president, what's the big deal?

Yeah, it is a rather big deal RJM. It's only happened 43 times in all the years of our country. And smooth transitions between parties with different ideas on how to lead the country are not a given in other countries like it is here. Not something to be taken for granted, IMO.
what's the big deal?

Every new day,.... is a big deal, but
there are certain times in history when many are holding on to hope.

I believe today is one of those days.

I believe in America and I pray that the hope that so many are holding onto will come to light.

To see so many Americans standing together today, regardless of race, beliefs, or political persuasion, is a true site of a lifetime for me.
Last edited by shortstopmom
Oh, it's a big deal for sure.

I'm just not convinced this is the Second Coming as the media would have us think.

I half expected to see Obamma walking across the Hudson to save those plane passengers last week.

Biggestpapi...I'm with you there. Big deal, yes. Significant event for the country, yes. Closing an ugly chapter in our country's history, yes. Swearing in of the guy who can single handedly fix every, clearly not. I think he pretty much said the last part in his speech.

I was quite please to NOT see a boat load of executive pardons signed off on by Bush is these last days of office. That's always rubbed me the wrong way in the past.
Last edited by Tx-Husker
I figure he'll blame everything on Bush until the media holds him accountable for change.

I started this thread with the thought that for us all it was a "New Day". As shortstopmom so eloquently stated,"To see so many Americans standing together today, regardless of race, beliefs, or political persuasion, is a true site of a lifetime for me."

Nothing more nothing less, but for some change may be hard to accept. Roll Eyes

If need be, I guess the topic can be closed before it gets out of hand!
Last edited by Danny Boydston
What's the deal with the recent favor we have given left handed Presidents? We now have our the 5th in the last 35 years...but only 3 in all the years prior to that. Strange. Conspiracy? Wink

James A. Garfield (1881) 20th
Herbert Hoover (1929-1933) 31st
Harry S. Truman (1945-1953) 33rd
Gerald Ford (1974-1977) 38th
Ronald Reagan (1981 -1989) 40th (actually a right-handed writer)
George H.W. Bush (1989-1993) 41st
Bill Clinton (1993-2001) 42nd
Now, President Obama
Last edited by Tx-Husker
Nothing more nothing less, but for some change may be hard to accept.
It's not "change" thats hard to accept. It's the adoration of the media over a guy who speaks very well and has accomplished very little politically that's hard to swallow.

Had Mike Ditka been willing to take the Republican senate nomination over Alan Keyes, Obama would still be in the Illinois state senate. Keyes was a carpetbagger and a little too far to the far right for most voters.

Hey Bama, O Bama, Bama Bama hey, Bama O Bama Bama hey (sung to Hosanna from Jesus Christ Superstar: sung by the media)

I respect the office of the president. I hope Obama does a good job. I have my doubts. I don't respect the media for the PR job they did for the guy over the campaign.
Last edited by RJM
I started this thread with the thought that for us all it was a "New Day". As shortstopmom so eloquently stated,"To see so many Americans standing together today, regardless of race, beliefs, or political persuasion, is a true site of a lifetime for me."

That is a great thing. I did'nt vote for Obama,nor do i think he is the answer to all of our problems as in reality no president is. But he is our president, it is a historical moment to have the first african american in office and I pray that he will do his best for our country. Its in quite a mess right now,so we must be patient. he doesnt have a magic wand.

Originally posted by 20dad:
truly a wonderful country,today is a new day. one man can't change the country ,but working together WE can.

Well said 20dad. And in that spirit I would like to thank former President George Walker Bush for helping to set such a good and cooperative tone for the very smooth and gracious transition. This was a very respectful gift given to our country.

Let's all roll up our sleeves and get to work...together!


Originally posted by Krakatoa:
I'm not a big one for political debate, but I will just add my two cents and say that I feel very proud of our country today......and very hopeful.

Hopeful Krak? I didn't read that President Bush pardoned that pesky International Dateline that you have to wrestle with each and every day.

That looney line is still lurking out there in it's watery purgatory...confounding us...mocking us.

Last edited by gotwood4sale
I wasn't planning to watch the inaugural today. I haven't been too interested in them for decades. But the TVs in the chow hall were on basketball (ugh) or the news channel. When I saw the limo driving down Pennsylvania Avenue, I was hooked. I was in DC for Nixon's inaugural back when I was in HS and those memories returned. It stirred the patriot inside me. I love the Federal City even though nothing good ever seems to come from there.

Today, the politics don't matter. It's just a great day to be an American!

God bless America!
Last edited by infidel_08
On ABC, they interviewed Magic Johnson before festivities. They spoke about the obvious stuff, but also talked about basketball. The interviewer asked him if he would play Obama in the new court they are creating where the bowling alley is now. Johnson of course said yes he hoped to. The interviewer than asked him if he would take it easy on Obama since he's so much larger than Obama is. Johnson's answer was funny..."only if he takes it easy on my taxes, so we will see".
We have five inches of beautiful snow. It will hang around tomorrow, and leave Thursday when it is supposed to be around 50. Snow is always a fleeting gift here.

It's been a great day. On this board, we talk a lot about attitude. If our nation can push though these times with a positive sense of what can be done, we can do it.

Haver Dad, I know you had a fun time in that gorgeous setting!
Originally posted by RJM:
"Is anyone else concerned about the country being led by an ideologue severely in lacking experience?

I know I was eight years ago. Wink

I expect an idealogue lacking in experience is defined as someone with whom one does not agree. The 'lacking in experience' line can be used for anyone aspiring to the position of POTUS; not really any experience that completely prepares one for that job.

I listen to a whole lotta news programs, primarily on networks that could be described as liberal (and, whatever you think, not all of them are ---- by any stretch). Perhaps some of you could share with me any news stories or pundit commentary that describes Obama as messianic or that gives reason to believe this is somehow a "racial circus", because I haven't seen it. A few political cartoons leaning that way, yes. They're cartoons, you know.

Blame Game? The conservative media and the Bush administration has blamed both 9/11 and the economy on Clinton, as recently as this past weekend. But you'd be offended if Obama did the same? Shall Obama accept responsibility then for causing, say, the war in Iraq, Gitmo, no-bid contracts, prisoner torture, and signing statements, or will it be enough that he changes those policies?

TX, I congratulate you on your success; I was unaware you were in Johnson's tax bracket and had reason to be concerned that that campaign promise would come to pass. Over a quarter mil for a married couple --- yeah, team!

I'm disheartened to see so many of my fellow websters not at least appreciating Obama's actions already to show the bipartisan nature of his administration, given the state of the country. What the heck, let's give the guy a week or so before he's pilloried for ineffectiveness.

My, those grapes are sour......

all322, well spotted. Cool
Orlando/Danny, I don't think the posts in here have been unfair at all. Everyone does seem to be feeling good, happy we have the new president in office, and giving him a chance. I think it's fair to say some are a little skeptical that change has come to US politics, but no one I have seen has called him a liar.

Ease up guys. There are different opinions. You guys are reading stuff into posts. Orlando for example, I just was reporting a joke an Obama supporter, Magic Johnson made on national TV. I don't see anyone taking pot shots at him. (and, no, Magic and I don't hang out in the same tax bracket Orlando).

Mr. Obama set the expectation we would move away from blame game politics by his campaign promises...reaching across the isle, inclusion, we are 1 america, etc. The party in power and president must set the standard for this. I for one hope he means it and smacks down both sides for doing it. Today, there are 2 in my opinion that need a smackdown...Speaker Pelosi (for her push for Bush administration investigations from 2+ year old things) and Senator Cornyn (for blocking Clinton's verbal vote approval as Sec of state). Both are playing bad politics.
I admit that I voted for McCain. He didn't win, so now I'm a huge supporter of Obama. It would be great if everyone supported our president. At least, until he proves he is not worthy of that support. I hope this president can actually pull the country together, but that's probably just wishful thinking.

I know people don’t want to talk about race, but this is a very big day for racial equality. This speaks volumes about how far America has come. I’m actually very proud to be an American today.
Orlando quote:
...or that gives reason to believe this is somehow a "racial circus",

First of all it's the doings of the media, not President Obama, he is perfect choice for knocking down that wall of racial issues. You haven't noticed that the medias "man on the street interviews" have been almost all black not only the person being interviewed but the surrounding crowd and the white supporters have all been back row?
Last edited by rz1
Tx, not sure why you signaled me out. My response to Orlando was my reasoning for the topic.

I'm really not sure what I need to ease up on other than my excitement of a new beginning for America and the opportunity to start anew. Hopefully, we all can throw away black-white, Democratic-Republican and just become American! I understand the media will not let that happen, but as citizens, we can try.
Today in class one of my students asked me;
Why is this such a big deal? as we had the innaguration on... I didn't have much time as they were swearing in the VP at that moment and being a white guy I don't really have the background to anwer that question with the appropriate timbre it deserves.

I will address the question later with my kids but one interesting thing was that when we did our mock election in NOvember; McCain easily won. Today during the innaguration ALL of my students were very respectful of the new president. I was pleased and surprised and I credit their parents for showing a positive face at home and I also credit McCain and GW Bush for the way the transition has gone.

God Bless America, land that I love...

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