quote:I voted for Mitt Romney in the primary even though at that point it was a foregone conclussion McCain would win the nomination. I liked the idea of a successful businessman who was able to lead a very liberal state (Mass) as a Republican.
Last time a successful Republican businessman got into office was Herbert Hoover. That turned out pretty ugly.
The problem with modern politics is that whenever one party gets in power, presidency or majority of Congress, the other party tries to keep the party in power from accomplishing their goals. So instead of progress we have lines drawn and very little gets accomplished.
Obama can have success if he can stand on his own two feet and rise above the democratic party. He needs to be able to work with both sides and both sides need to be able to work with him.
Some have said Obama doesn't have any experience but which of our presidents have ever had experience running a country? George Washington, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson probably have had the least amount of experience EVER of any politician. They turned out fine.
Some have said that Obama is an idealogue but so was Washington. He said the worst thing for America would be for political parties to form. In a free thinking society there is no way in the world political parties cannot form.
We might be tired of hearing how historic this election is but it is historic. My guess is that the vast majority of us that post are white middle class people. We don't have the slightest clue what it's like to be black or any other minority. We can't really understand how great of an accomplishment this is for a whole group of people to finally see. Tom Brokaw said yesterday morning that when he was alive he was able to talk to people who grew up during the Civil War. He went on to say that they didn't remember much because they were so young but they still grew up in it and their family owned slaves. Dr. Martin Luther King JR, Rosa Parks and the civil rights movement was only 40 some years ago.
I hope Obama goes down as one of the most successful presidents ever in American history. I hope this because our country is in bad shape and we need things changed and fixed now - not when the other side has a chance to get back in power in 4 or 8 years. If he is remembered as a great president then he, Congress and the American people have fixed quite a few things that are wrong.
I'm OK with that.