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I voted for Mitt Romney in the primary even though at that point it was a foregone conclussion McCain would win the nomination. I liked the idea of a successful businessman who was able to lead a very liberal state (Mass) as a Republican.

Last time a successful Republican businessman got into office was Herbert Hoover. That turned out pretty ugly.


The problem with modern politics is that whenever one party gets in power, presidency or majority of Congress, the other party tries to keep the party in power from accomplishing their goals. So instead of progress we have lines drawn and very little gets accomplished.

Obama can have success if he can stand on his own two feet and rise above the democratic party. He needs to be able to work with both sides and both sides need to be able to work with him.

Some have said Obama doesn't have any experience but which of our presidents have ever had experience running a country? George Washington, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson probably have had the least amount of experience EVER of any politician. They turned out fine.

Some have said that Obama is an idealogue but so was Washington. He said the worst thing for America would be for political parties to form. In a free thinking society there is no way in the world political parties cannot form.

We might be tired of hearing how historic this election is but it is historic. My guess is that the vast majority of us that post are white middle class people. We don't have the slightest clue what it's like to be black or any other minority. We can't really understand how great of an accomplishment this is for a whole group of people to finally see. Tom Brokaw said yesterday morning that when he was alive he was able to talk to people who grew up during the Civil War. He went on to say that they didn't remember much because they were so young but they still grew up in it and their family owned slaves. Dr. Martin Luther King JR, Rosa Parks and the civil rights movement was only 40 some years ago.

I hope Obama goes down as one of the most successful presidents ever in American history. I hope this because our country is in bad shape and we need things changed and fixed now - not when the other side has a chance to get back in power in 4 or 8 years. If he is remembered as a great president then he, Congress and the American people have fixed quite a few things that are wrong.

I'm OK with that.
Originally posted by Orlando:
RJM, you're engaging in some revisionist posting. Check your own posts; you reference Bush repeatedly before I posted.

"There is no denying Obama is an ideologuwe with very little political experience. It's a fact." No, that's your opinion. Try to see the difference between fact and opinion.

Actually, Obama's first act as president was to issue a proclamation calling on Americans to serve one another and our common purpose on a National Day of Renewal and Reconciliation. Aren't you the one who wants to see news rather than editorializing? Were you the one bringing up Brokaw?

How do I feel about Obama supporting Due Process? Good, actually. Because although they might well be guilty, saying "delay the trials of terrorists who killed Americans" rather indicates that whole 'innocent until proven guilty' thing isn't a priority with you. And I care a whole lot less about whether these people are US citizens than whether we as a people and as represented by our government respect our own laws and ideals.
Originally posted by Orlando:
RJM, you're engaging in some revisionist posting. Check your own posts; you reference Bush repeatedly before I posted.

"There is no denying Obama is an ideologuwe with very little political experience. It's a fact." No, that's your opinion. Try to see the difference between fact and opinion.

Actually, Obama's first act as president was to issue a proclamation calling on Americans to serve one another and our common purpose on a National Day of Renewal and Reconciliation. Aren't you the one who wants to see news rather than editorializing? Were you the one bringing up Brokaw?

How do I feel about Obama supporting Due Process? Good, actually. Because although they might well be guilty, saying "delay the trials of terrorists who killed Americans" rather indicates that whole 'innocent until proven guilty' thing isn't a priority with you. And I care a whole lot less about whether these people are US citizens than whether we as a people and as represented by our government respect our own laws and ideals.

I did NOT reference Bush in any post to you until you started comparing Bush to Obama. I'd ask you tom list Obama's vast political experience on the national and international level, but I want the conversation to end.

You nit picking again on semantics like a pit Yorkie. Let me rephrase a statement .... One of the first things Obama did was delay the trials of terrorist. .... While I believe in due process, I doubt it's what the American public has on their priority list of things they want to see the new administration accomplish. I see it as a red flag given what needs to be done.

Now Bush lost. Obama won. Get over Bush. Stop being angry. Remember, "Change!" I'm amazed how much vitriol Dems have had for Bush from the day he WON the election to even now after he's gone. Get over it. Move on. "Change!"

I'm done. You may have the last word if you see fit. I'm moving on. Obama is the president. I wish him well. I have my reservations. But whomever is president I don't let it get in the way of my happiness and work it the best way possible for personal success.
Never confuse talk with results. How do you feel Obama's first act as president was to delay the trials of terrorists who killed American's? I heard it on the news.

Gee, and here I thought that would be the reason for the determine if they did indeed kill Americans.
Since that is a fundamental aspect of life in our Country, I support giving them a trial "before" concluding each and everyone of them killed Americans. So, yes, I would not have too much trouble supporting a decision that reinforces that process, especially with the way the Courts, including the Supreme Court, have addressed the problems with the detention and treatment.
In 1941, every person in America of Japanese ancestry was stripped of their personal belongings, their integrity, and all of their personal rights and placed in camps. That was done without a trial or any recognition of personal rights and liberties.
I thought we would have learned the brutal lessons from such repugnant acts of power, hatred and bias.
Seems Obama does have such history in mind when making these types of decisions. Hard to find fault in not convicting them before the trial.
Hard to find fault in making sure they get a trial.
Hard to agree with anything to you have posted on these topics.
My Father-in-law was one of those Japanese Americans impacted by thought processes similar to what you posted.
Some 50 years later, he received the highest civilian award given by our US Military.
Hard to agree with any of your posts, especially the one I have quoted above.
Last edited by infielddad
From Wall Street: "The Dow Jones Industrial Average suffered its biggest Inauguration Day drop in its 112-year history Tuesday"

I guess I'm not the only one with reservations.

"The problem with modern politics is that whenever one party gets in power, presidency or majority of Congress, the other party tries to keep the party in power from accomplishing their goals. So instead of progress we have lines drawn and very little gets accomplished."

This has gone on since political parties were formed. Don't expect it to ever stop. The key is a leader who can pull the parties together on some key issues. Reagan and Clinton were good at it. Bush was a failure in this regard.

"We might be tired of hearing how historic this election is but it is historic. My guess is that the vast majority of us that post are white middle class people."

It's very historic regardless of race, color or political affiliation. If Obama is a respected president it may change some of the people who hold some very ugly thoughts regarding minorities.

"I support giving them a trial "before" concluding each and everyone of them killed Americans."

I'm not against due process. However, I believe these people have claimed they did the things they're accused of. The issue may be how they came to the statements. If you read my follow up before reacting you would have seen I posted it's not what the American public is looking for as one of his first actions given more pressing issues. Do you believe the American public would have felt better if the first publicity is something positive about moving the economy forward or how to deal with Iraq rather than the trials of terrorists.

It concerns me the market had it biggest inauguration day drop in 112 years. This is more important to the average American. Afterall, a majority of people vote their wallet. The first thing they want to see is efforts to fix the economy.

Now, I'm not going to go blow by blow in everything Obama does on a day to day basis. Major fixes take time. I hope Obama can pull those in power to the middle. I hope he's one of them (in the middle). But I thought this was a bad start given what people are looking for.
That's why I never argue with those "Right wing extremists"(heard this sentence on TV 10 years ago, now I truly understand what it means), because they are always "right". Remember be nice to others, otherwise you won't have a personal success.
I've been trying to have a rational exchange with some posters. Now you want to flame torch the exchange and launch a personal attack with name calling. Well done. Have you seen anyone else throwing out insults and name calling? You have no idea where I stand based on a small number of topics. The only thing you know is I'm somewhere on the right. I know one thing about you. You posted an offensive, personal attack. Your previous posts were an attempt to flame people in the right. What does that say about you?
Last edited by RJM

Originally posted by kbat2012:
That's why I never argue with those "Right wing extremists"(heard this sentence on TV 10 years ago, now I truly understand what it means), because they are always "right". Remember be nice to others, otherwise you won't have a personal success. y

I mirror your thoughts kbat2012...imagine that!

For the very same reason that you stated, I will not argue with those Left Wing extremists because they are always right.

And I will remember to be nice to others.

Last edited by gotwood4sale


So if someone like myself listens to any of those men you listed then, in your view, I am an extremist? Someone that you will not communicate with?

What if a person chooses to listen to Michael Moore, Rachel Maddow, Al Franken, or most of the gaggle on the View? Would you consider their listeners to be extremists as well? Are they people that I should not communicate with?

Last edited by gotwood4sale
What if a person chooses to listen to Michael Moore, Rachel Maddow, Al Franken,
I'll sometimes watch a little Maddow to amuse myself. If she was any more left she could fall off the edge of the earth even though it's round. Sometimes I can see her point before she goes off too far left. The right isn't perfect.
Originally posted by Danny Boydston:
I couldn't resist-

Heard a new one today, Mark Levin talk show host on WBAP 820 radio in Dallas/Ft.Worth called Obama and his followers a "Cult" and it saddened him that so many Americans were falling into it.

It saddens me too that they let a moron on the air!
It's the Howard Cosell school of broadcasting. Love me or hate me, I don't care. Just pay attention. For the last eight years it was aimed at another president from the other side. This is nothing new. I remember Suzanne Malveaux saying on a talk show she wished Bush would choke and die. It didn't hurt her career.

On a typical day there's too much radio air time and not anough to discuss. Talk shows often beat things to death or discuss topics not worth discussing.
Last edited by RJM
Orlando quote:
My error, it was rz who brought up the black man-on-the-street interview thing, not you. And I'd be willing to bet he's not "on the left"

First of all, I'm left handed....but golf right Wink


Left of what?

Where we live, our occupation, lifestyle, creed, gender, and other individual characteristics determines various "center points". Right or left is an individuals perception of where that center is. IMHO you can define and point to extremists on both sides without much problem, the rest of society has opinions on various subjects that could be perceived one way or the other depending on who's scale you are judging from to begin with and very often it crosses that center line. That's why it's so important not to judge someone on a single statement or opinion because they may be much closer to you than you think.
Last edited by rz1

Let's ramp this inferno up a bit with a quote from the late Dr. Adrian Rogers of Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis, Tennessee:

" You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.

The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they worked for, that my dear friend, IS ABOUT THE END OF ANY NATION.


Last edited by AcademyDad
Originally posted by Tx-Husker:
God help us if we are dependent on a lefty to lead us out of this mess we are in. Wink

Maybe he even knows that...and that's why he said it's up to all of us!

How did you know he is left-handed? That happens to the one, well maybe two or three things, we have in common. I wish him well and "hope" he is successful beyond even his imagination.
Last edited by Dad04
Watch the news tonight and you'll see him signing the first wave of his policy documents. I'm reasonably sure the media is not trying to trick us and showing the film through a mirror. But you never know about that left wing media. Wink

Or check you tube and you can see him playing basketball and going to his left. As Reggie Miller said, "Obama can't go to his right".
Last edited by Tx-Husker may have missed this early on. We have a vast left "wing" conspiracy going on. 5 of the last 7 Presidents were leftys.

Left Handed Presidents...

James A. Garfield (1881) 20th
Herbert Hoover (1929-1933) 31st
Harry S. Truman (1945-1953) 33rd
Gerald Ford (1974-1977) 38th
Ronald Reagan (1981 -1989) 40th (actually a right-handed writer)
George H.W. Bush (1989-1993) 41st
Bill Clinton (1993-2001) 42nd
Now, President Obama 44th
I saw him sign an exec order lefty on the news today. I didn't vote for him, but I am optomistic about his potential. I am concerned he will try to transform us into the euro model of bigger government (if that is even possible), zero or low growth and higher long-term unemployment. However, he hasn't created the mess we currently reside. If his policies can minimize the damage, so be it.

Like others, I find his approach refreshing, his appointments encouraging and his legistlative record distressing. We shall see.

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