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Originally posted by rz1:
or that gives reason to believe this is somehow a "racial circus",

First of all it's the doings of the media, not President Obama, he is perfect choice for knocking down that wall od racial issues. You haven't noticed that the medias "man on the street interviews" have been almost all black not only the person being interviewed but the surrounding crowd and the white supporters have all been back row?

As long as you also considered it a 'racial circus' when the "man on the street" interviews were primarily with white people at the McCain or Palin rallies....we have no disagreement.
I didn't vote for him either, but he is now our president so therefore, I give the respect he deserves as being so. So what if people don't agree with him, that's their right living in this country.
I think that he is going to be tough, real tough. He's already sent a message, it's time to start taking responsibility and not expecting others to do for you. Today is a great day because it shows how a democratic system works.
He has major appeal, black or white, he thinks out of the box for most of us who are used to the washington old guard establishment and I find that refreshing. He also represents what america has become, not what it used to be, and that is a huge melting pot of many who come here for a better life. Despite our problems, there is no other place most would rather be than in America.
Enjoy the day, enjoy the moment, things are going to get worse before they get better. I think that we all realize that, and it's good to have a day without hearing about how BAD things are.
Originally posted by Orlando:
As long as you also considered it a 'racial circus' when the "man on the street" interviews were primarily with white people at the McCain or Palin rallies....we have no disagreement.

I accept that reality. However, there's a huge difference between a political rally in an election environment and an event that unites all factions into 1. The media does not want that look, they want diversion, controversy, and new angles to stories.
Last edited by rz1

Perhaps some of you could share with me any news stories or pundit commentary that describes Obama as messianic

I think I'd start with Chris Matthews' original remarks about how "chills run up his leg" when Obama speaks... then there's Rachel Maddow's nightly tirades against the outgoing Administration, only to continue on how we are finally getting things straight... and do we even need to remind anyone of the Town Idiot, Olberman, and his nightly rantings about 2416 days since the decree of "mission accomplished"? How 'bout the lovely ladies (LOL) over at The View?

And that's just the cable channels. You honestly going to say that anything that goes on at ABC, NBC, or CBS can be contrued as balanced?

Orlando... you're either spending too much time over at PBS (which if it wasn't sooo boring would be hilarious), or you're just not paying attention.


I think I'd start with Chris Matthews' original remarks about how "chills run up his leg" when Obama speaks... then there's Rachel Maddow's nightly tirades against the outgoing Administration, only to continue on how we are finally getting things straight... and do we even need to remind anyone of the Town Idiot, Olberman, and his nightly rantings about 2416 days since the decree of "mission accomplished"?

.....and Fox News is just the opposite. Neither has a neutral-middle ground!
He did say he wanted a Collegiate Football playoff system. Maybe as part of his stimulus package he can throw in another 15.3 baseball scholarships.

Hehe. He'll probably throw more basketball scholarships out there. Say, 20 for the 12 man roster. On ABC, Diana Sawyer was just gushing about how 'Obama was a high school basketball star' as his HS band marched by. Someone had to correct her that he was a benchwarmer. Big Grin
Originally posted by Tx-Husker:
things are going to get worse before they get better

I think we're, as taxpayers, spending over $1T in bailout and stimulous money trying to keep things from getting worst. If it doesn't, not sure why we're spending it.

Precisely, Danny.

Matthews has taken a well-deserved raft of it for that remark, even from KO.

Bush even allowed just last week that the Mission Accomplished banner photo op was a mistake.

I've seen remarks on ABC, CBS, & NBC that are both right and left wing, depending on the commentator. And no, I don't think news outlets owned by Really Big Business are going to be entirely balanced.

I get vaguely confused by remarks that indicate displeasure when the media goes off on 'tirades' when criticizing the administration one supports while asking for them to do the same about the administration one does not the name of being "balanced". The media, and the public, should question authority when warranted. But inflammatory language doesn't progress the national discussion.

I've been paying a lot of attention. Which is why I'm happy to see the back of the Bush Administration.
On ABC, Diana Sawyer was just gushing about how 'Obama was a high school basketball star' as his HS band marched by. Someone had to correct her that he was a benchwarmer.

Give her a break, she's new on the scene Big Grin and doesn't yet understand that the media, regardless of the "freedom of the press", shouldn't try to blow a story out of proportion with half-truths.
Originally posted by all322:
* Live fully, enjoy every moment, and let go of the petty problems, mostly of our own invention, which seek to destroy the spirit. *

RJM, I found this at the bottom of your post. It seemed out of place with the rest of it.
I don't feel pointing the finger at incredible media bias is petty. A person made an interesting comment to me recently. He said he doesn't know where he can get news anymore. He said the newspapers and television only offer editorials on every situation. No one reports the news anymore. He said now he has to decipher the media person's and their organization's political bias before he can sort it out for himself.
As a former newspaper reporter (and current free-lance writer) I remember all too well the weekly staff meetings at which various writers basically announced the slant they planned to give to upcoming stories. It was enough to make one's head spin.

I am not crazy about ANY of the television news networks. All go overboard on bias -- one way or another. It's pretty sad that they can't let the facts speak for themselves.
at incredible media bias

Today's assertions of media bias seem akin to the ditto-head "fair and balanced" Fox News myth.

I beg to differ.

I watched Fox News for at least three hours every day (EVERY DAY) during the last 60 days of the election. The Fox editorial positions were (are) clear, and clearly imbalanced. Thats OK, and while I certainly agree that MSNBC leans hard left (by US standards), FOX leans equally hard right.

By the last month of the '08 campaign, I fully expected the Fox morning anchor to appear with an "M" sweater on his chest (for McCain).

Repeating "fair and balanced" over and over, doesn't make it so. Its just a marketing slogan.
Last edited by HaverDad
Originally posted by rz1:

The media does not want that look, they want diversion, controversy, and new angles to stories.

rz1...I DO have permission to quote you, don't I? lol

In regards to your quote above, without those exact angles the news media would never have news to report would they? lol. When we're in a recession it seems we stay in it 5yrs longer because of the incessant reporting of the media! War? Don't even get me started there! Bailout? bah hum bug. So for now I've decided to get my news daily from the looney tunes least there I get a healthy dose of laughter!

As far as my 2 cents on this being a new day for America. I have been a Republican all my life and yes, voted for McCain (because of being the only choice at time!). I personally have nothing against Obama as our President because of skin color. None whatsoever. It is his liberal veiwpoints that I don't like. With that being said, he is now My President and I hope each and every day that maybe, just maybe, his new and fresh ideas can get our country back on its feet and headed in the right direction. It's going to take those in Washington to now put aside the finger pointing and work together to get it going. I am optimistic.

Someone stated about their students having a good attitude about obama being our President now and that their parents must've had a hand in this. I agree with you 100%. When Obama was elected in November younggun didn't know how at his young 18yrs of age to handle it. He was confused, disappointed, etc. Sitting down and talking to him about supporting Whomever is in office, it should be our basic and first instincts as American's to support the Commander in Chief during that tenure for the good of our country. Younggun was fine after that different perspective. One that he had never been through.
Last edited by YoungGunDad

I disagree with you HaverDad about how far Fox News leans right as compared to MSNBC leaning left.

But since that is what you believe I must extend my hand and offer a welcome to you.

You are experiencing what I have been experiencing with the news for well over 40 years. A left leaning bias to the mainstream media. I've watched television news closely since 1963. So welcome to my world HaverDad!

In my opinion the most fair and balanced straight news coverage (not pundits or commentators) is clearly Fox News. Please note this distinction between news and commentary. Their pundits and commentators without question lean right...just like the whole lot of the others lean left.

There is a reason Fox News has good ratings...they're delivering a product that people like myself want to view. Thumbs up to Fox News!

Last edited by gotwood4sale
Originally posted by HaverDad:
at incredible media bias

Today's assertions of media bias seem akin to the ditto-head "fair and balanced" Fox News myth.

I beg to differ.

I watched Fox News for at least three hours every day (EVERY DAY) during the last 60 days of the election. The Fox editorial positions were (are) clear, and clearly imbalanced. Thats OK, and while I certainly agree that MSNBC leans hard left (by US standards), FOX leans equally hard right.

By the last month of the '08 campaign, I fully expected the Fox morning anchor to appear with an "M" sweater on his chest (for McCain).

Repeating "fair and balanced" over and over, doesn't make it so. Its just a marketing slogan.

You make a great point. Ever since the final two were decided...and in the weeks leading up to November, I found myself actually watching CNN more often. Perhaps it goes in circles..
...first CNN was called the Clinton News Network;
...then FOX News appeared to be in the GOP's pocket the last 8 years;
...and now MSNBC (who was obviously in the Obama camp early with its slams on H. the mouthpiece for change.

Thus...FOX will spend its time on how the GOP can win back the government, and CNN will find itself in, of all places, the MIDDLE ground.
Last edited by JT
“I know I was eight years ago.’

Bush was not an ideologue lacking political experience. He was the governor of a large state, bigger than many countries. He had experience in international affairs dealing with Mexico. He had a reputation for reaching across the aisle in running his state.

Obama was a state senator and a US senator for four years, of which he spent two running for president rather than gaining experience in DC.

“I listen to a whole lotta news programs, primarily on networks that could be described as liberal (and, whatever you think, not all of them are ---- by any stretch). Perhaps some of you could share with me any news stories or pundit commentary that describes Obama as messianic or that gives reason to believe this is somehow a "racial circus", because I haven't seen it.”

I find it sad the blatant one sidedness of the news is so prevalent on a day to day basis it’s not even recognized anymore. Are you aware 88% of the media is from the left (from a media poll).

One I'll always remember was when the luxury tax was repealed. Brokaw's opening line for the nightly news was, "A tax break for the rich." What was happening was a tax that devastated the luxury yacht industry and put most boat builders out of work was repealed, putting them back in business. Brokaw could have announced it as "Boat Builders can go back to work" but that would have been positive rather than anti-Republican.

“I'm disheartened to see so many of my fellow websters not at least appreciating Obama's actions already to show the bipartisan nature of his administration”

Today is day one. All Obama has done is talk. Based on many of his appointments, “change” means recycle Clinton people.


“As long as you also considered it a 'racial circus' when the "man on the street" interviews were primarily with white people at the McCain or Palin rallies....we have no disagreement.”

McCain and Palin are Republicans. There aren‘t many black Republicans. Obama is a Democrat. There are many white Democrats? Therefore your point doesn’t work.


“.....and Fox News is just the opposite. Neither has a neutral-middle ground!”

Here’s the difference between FOX and other news outlets. In most political discussion roundtables on television those to the right are outnumbered by those on the left. The right can’t win. On FOX there are usually equal numbers on both sides. Despite FOX management’s political slant, there’s balance in the debate.

Are FOX’s hosts more to the right? Are their editorials to the right? Yes they are. But these are show hosts and editorials, not discussion roundtables. Besides, FOX understands the ratings are in leaning to the right.

But my point about media bias in the the straight reporting of the news, not the discussion shows. A reporter should report the news, not their opinion. Leave opinions for the talk shows.

“Today's assertions of media bias seem akin to the ditto-head "fair and balanced" Fox News myth.”

I’ve already made my points on FOX. Obviously dittohead refers to Limbaugh. Limbaugh is not a news reporter. He’s an entertainer. He’s an editorialist and a satirist.

Im not sure the length of watching tv news means much, but fwiw, and being older than you, I'll just include that HavergranDad was a TV news anchor, and when he displayed any leanings, they were firm right.

I essentially grew up in his newsroom, since the late '50s. After that I got a degree in broadcasting.

My life experience tells me that tv networks, talk radio and newspapers program editorial content to attract targeted demographics and certain advertiser groups.

While the core of America's right wing clearly prefers FOX, that large minority still remains a minority within the general body politic.

FOX can however, continue to earn impressive profits from this minority demographic, while the larger/majority political sentiments yield split earnings across multiple sets of majority opinion broadcasters.
Last edited by HaverDad
You can label anybody in the media anything you want. Entertainer, reporter, editor...whatever, but when you put any one of them in front of a camera or microphone, they are going to influence or attempt to influence whomever they are speaking in front of. Whether it be the right or left, they are going to express their views and try to get their viewers or listeners to lean their way, that's their job. Especially in today political madness.

And about the reporters reporting the news and not their opinion, there is no more "News", they are all talk shows and all the reporters are guest on these talk shows every day.

If I had to say who was the most middle-laden station, I would have to say CNN. Their roundtables truly are diverse. Just one old mans opinion.
Last edited by Danny Boydston
As far as Obama's concerned, he clearly have the favor of the vast majority of the nation and the press right now. He also has the majority of congress. And he's delivering a message of unity, change and a new way of running our political machine all of the above want to hear.

To the extent he delivers on that promise, he will maintain favor with the all of them as well. He'll be able to work effectively with the GOP if he balances his approach and takes on his party when they are out of line. I don't see him being shy about taking on the GOP when they are out of line. I don't think the left side of congress is going to like it when their democratic president calls them out. I forsee his problems coming from the left....not the right.
Although I did not vote for Obama, however, once the election was settled, I became a supporter of the President of the United States ...all my efforts and prayers will be for the sucess of our country and for our duly elected see, I have no choice but to pray for his divine guidance....because as the new Commander in Chief, one of the assets that he commands is my only daughter......
Originally posted by piaa_ump: see, I have no choice but to pray for his divine guidance....because as the new Commander in Chief, one of the assets that he commands is my only daughter......

piaa_ump - Please know that you have my gratitude and prayers with your daughter as she serves. Tell her thank you for all of us! Wink
Obama doesn't need to work effectively with the GOP.

You're assuming he has all the democratic votes in his pocket. We have already seen that's not the case. By working effectively, what I was saying is he will get what he needs out of the GOP. But unless his whole campaign was a lie, which I don't think it was, he's going to tick off a bunch of guys in his own party in this "new way" approach...those that want it the old way now that they are in charge. If he doesn't deliver, the press will turn on him. He has not left himself with a lot of wiggle room.

I think you're right Tx....


    It's been nearly a year since volatile news anchor Richard Righteous was suspended from CNN for mindlessly suggesting another news anchor might actually be biased since she insisted that her assigned parking spot be the left turn lane leading into the CNN complex.

    Richard's on-air suggestion not only cost him his job, but fueled the alcoholism and anger that has alienated his wife and kids and left him crashing on his sister's couch in Minot, ND. - subsisting only on Gummi Bears© that he has dislodged from the cushions.

    Desperate to pull his life together, Richaed takes a job as a night watchman at the burned-out ruins of The Railway Express Agency building, which was destroyed by a massive fire that devoured numerous innocent lives...ants in hundreds of Uncle Milton's© Ant Farms being shipped before the Christmas Holiday.

    As Richard patrols the eerie, charred remains of the Agency, he begins to notice something sinister about the ornate mirrors that adorn the women's room walls. Reflected in the gigantic shimmering glass are horrific images that stun Richard.

    Beyond projecting gruesome images of the charred ants, the mirrors appear to be manipulating reality as well. When Richard sees his own reflection being tortured, he suffers the physical effects of his fractured visions.

    His sympathetic, but skeptical sister, Molly Moral dismisses these bizarre 'nightmares' as a consequence of his stress and guilt of just being a conservative. Richard's estranged wife Roseanne, a no-sense Macy's Thanksgiving Day balloon, is flexible as you would expect a big balloon to be, yet she is less forgiving than Molly.

    Richard's increasingly erratic behavior becomes more frightening, pushing his family farther away--and, Molly fears, it's putting their children in danger.

    As Richard investigates the mysterious disappearance of an Agency security guard and its possible connection to his ghastly visions, he realizes that a malevolent, otherworldly force is using reflections as a gateway to terrorize him and his family.

    Richard must somehow uncover the truth behind the mirrors--and convince Molly to help him battle the greatest evil troika he has ever faced...George Soros, Michael Moore, and!

Last edited by gotwood4sale

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