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.....a player I ran across several years ago is coming over to spend the evening with me before heading to campus tomorrow.

Tonight, a player who was 15 years old and been through more adversity than most by 40 is gonna spend time with my family.

Tonight, the first member of his entire family to attend college is coming by our house.

Tonight, a player who's parents cannot speak English and who's combined income might be $30,000 dollars is driving from El Paso to my house.

Tonight, a kid who I have had the opportunity to watch grow into a young man will hold my son for the first time.

Tonight, a young man who has showed determination to play a game he loves will continue his education because of it with little help from anyone but himself.

Tonight, a 5'8" hispanic kid with average talent will continue his academic and athletic career at a Div. 1 college.

Tonight, is what makes coaching so rewarding.

Tonight, a young man will visit his old coach.

And tonight...............................

I will say a prayer to the man upstairs for allowing me to experience what we all should take from this game.
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Last night was really great.

You see, I have kept in close contact with this kid since I have met him. I have coached him each summer as he stayed with me and my family during this time. Needless to say, he is like a son. We talk once a week if not more.

Knowing his parents know little about the education or athletic arena, I have walked him through the process. But this year I released the ropes a bit, knowing sooner or later he will have to be on his own. I have tried to convince him that when it comes down to it, he is the only one that will ultimately be responsible and never to rely on anyone (coach, parent, friend) to make sure things get taken care of.

He found that out the hard way this spring. He was offered a scholarship only to find out after 2 seasons of JUCO ball he needed 2 more coarses to be NCAA eligible. So he went to a community college for these and now is ready to go this spring. But will need to bust his butt this summer to get back on pace.

Moral of the story, he understands how important it is now to monitor his own stuff. He had a meeting set up today to meet with academic advisor. Wink He's catching on.

It was hard this morning. We spent time talking late into the night. He was up early faxing papers and getting prepared for his big arrival today. When he left I told him to have fun and work hard. I know how excited he was. I can only think back to when I was leaving for a new school.

He called when he arrived and I could sense the excitment in his voice.

Here is a kid who drove from El Paso to Northwestern Univ. in La. on his own. Knowing nobody, having little. But he has grown into a responsible man and I trust he will do fine.

He will never understand the importance of what he will achieve when he recieves his degree. This will only come later. Like most kids, he has his mind on baseball, but he is doing what it takes in the classroom.

I am so proud of this young man. I will attend some games through the spring, but I can't wait till next year.

I will be front and center for his graduation.
Last edited by Ken Guthrie
I sit here right now after going to a U-Haul place tonight, renting a trailer, packing it up with all of my 18 year old daughters "things" and tomorrow afternoon, we leave for Waco. She was supposed to be at SFA last fall to start her college career on a softball scholarship. As you say Ken, she didn't take care of some stuff as far as grades go and she couldn't clear the NCAA clearinghouse because of her poor grades in HS. She retook the SAT 2 additional times this fall, only to do worse each time. She has given up on softball and will attend McClennan Community College starting Monday to study Early Childhood Development and try to get her associates degree. In a way, I'm so glad she's moving out, but in a way, I wish she was gonna be here with us. She desperately needs to leave and get out on her own and grow up a little. She is excited to be living on her own now.

She talked to an old teammate on her summer team today who is on the softball team there at MCC. I'm hoping she decides to play, but I'd rather her take her grades more serious this time around though. I'll miss her!
Last edited by Old Pitcher
I hear what your saying OP.

In this case, failing grades were not the issue.

The proper classes were not taken to graduate with associates.

Who's fault? Some say coach, some say counselor.

I was his fault and that's what I have tried to convey to him in a mild manner.

Ultimately it's his responsibility to keep track of his academic career. I have monitored it but cut the ropes knowing he would need this for his future.

Anyways, it's worked out now. He is ready to go.

He called tonight with much excitement. He wanted to tell me about the field, campus, and dorm. Just as he called, I could hear players in the background introducing themselves.

I told him to go have fun and call me when it all settles down.

Great kid. He deserves these moments.

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