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A local umpire has alleged that two high school-age baseball players and their coach plotted to hit him with a pitch in a game last week. My son was at bat when this occured. After the pitch, he said the umpire just said "I quit" and left the field. It does not appear that the catcher made any effort to catch the pitch. Watch the video and you be the judge. If this is the case, it is appalling behavior.

Ump hit by pitch video
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Wow. Not only does it appear there was no attempt to make the catch, it's obvious that he purposely bailed out. The catcher was upset about not getting the call on the previous pitch, as noted by the long delay in tossing the ball back to the pitcher. Regardless of what transpired earlier in the game, this was a very poor choice to take and IMO there should be some consequences towards the catcher/pitcher/coach in this situation. Although I'm not advocating what the catcher did, I'm disappointed in the Blue for walking off and QUITTING! Why not toss all involved and move on with the game? There had to be other problems prior to this incident?
I dont know....watched it a few times, the only clear evidence is the catcher dropping down on his knees when the pitch wasnt headed for the dirt....most of the 18U catchers I have are not quite so easily fooled...but I'd like to hope/think not....

but I wasnt one deserves to be injured deliberately.....
Last edited by piaa_ump
It wasn't just the fact the catcher dropped down, but he also shifted over. It was definitely deliberate.

The only reason I have problem with him walking off is that there is another team on the field that is affected. And not knowing the score, inning, and what previously transpired, I made that statement.
I don't agree with the umpire walking off the field and calling it quits on the game. But it doesn't bother me either. I think it probably does more harm to those that took this pathetic action for him to walk off and the attention that it brings than it would have if he had just tossed them.

When players do something like this it shows a complete lack of character. Basically they threw at the umpire. To me the video makes it very clear.
Yup Bulldog, very similar. The catcher not only drops to his knees but also drops his hands as if to block a ball in the dirt. He clearly makes no effort to move his glove to the ball. This is not crossed signals. The story the players and coach tell do not jive with the action. Definitely deliberate. Disgusting. It's one thing that a teenager would make such a stupid decision, but a coach? Also strange that this occured in what is called a "showcase" tournament.
Last edited by cabbagedad
Wow. It may have just been the catcher. Did you see the attitude he gave after the ball 2 that was called? he didn't even catch it, waited forever to throw it back then obviously said something to the ump when he turned back before the beanball pitch. It also looked like the pitcher was pretty close to hitting the original target before the catcher took a dive.
It will be interesting to see what happens if it is ever announced. The catcher in the other video in Ga lost his college scholarship over the incident. The pitcher was a prospective high draft pick and ended up playing juco ball and not drafted. The coach was also fired. It is still haunting these two players. I think it is terrible and yes it was on purpose. The team should be banned and the player's names released so they are punished too.
I don't agree with the umpire walking off but as was said it made it a bigger issue than him just ejecting them. It would not have been an issue if he had just ejected them but walking off made it a big deal. The GA umpire pressed charges but they were not held up in court.
Jeff, gotwood,
The catcher did not have a college scholarship. He had been planning to walk on, but lost that opportunity.

Within a couple of weeks after the Georgia incident, the pitcher was graded 9 at the PG National. That's a nice grade but not predictive of a "prospective high draft pick". He was drafted in 2009 (round 31), and again in 2011 (round 47).

And the shortstop, whose displeasure with the umpire in the previous half-inning may have inspired this episiode, was drafted a week later at 15th overall.
I don't think you can penalize the pitcher for throwing a pitch down the middle.
The catcher and the coach should have been kicked out and banned for life from whatever that organization is.

Any excuse by anyone, "got crossed up" is total BS.

really, really low life action by the catcher.

I hope the boy has a turnaround and can somehow deal with this in a positive manner.
Originally posted by Bear:
Absolutely discusting to watch on video.

And yes, the catcher's stunt was something
that an immediate ejection by the Head Coach and Umpire was required.

Bottom Line: Umpire was NOT hurt. Catcher is a punk

Just curious - where did you read that the umpire was not hurt? Did I miss something?
Thank you sloroller - I didn't see an article. will look again.

For a kid to do this *on purpose* is inexcusable. What are they thinking? "I'll hit him and then he'll call what I think are strikes?"

I would say that you don't need broken bones to have an injury.

(and I need to add, my husband is an umpire)

Ok - here's the link to the article
Last edited by 55mom
My son's a catcher, and I've seen plenty of mixed up signals. This was not a mixed up signal. When there's a missed signal the catcher will go to the pitcher and talk about it to get clear on the signs.

If that's how this catcher reacts to a pitch, he needs to move to a new position. No way does he move the opposite direction, nor was the position he took a true blocking position.

I was ready to cut the kid some slack if he admitted it, but not after reading the article. His story is lame.
Originally posted by play baseball:
This also happened in a 12U softball game that one of my daughters were playing in. The umpire did get hurt and had to leave the game. It was not pleasant.

It was also horrible to know that the coach of a 12 year old softball team would call this play.

What play? I didn't know that was a designed play for baseball or softball! Come on!
Originally posted by Tx-Husker:
What play? I didn't know that was a designed play for baseball or softball! Come on!

So, you think this is something a pitcher and catcher cook up on their own without the coach knowing about it? I highly doubt that...

I have no doubt that there are some coaches out there who support this and even put the play in but don't doubt for a second that there are some players out there who will do this on their own without the coaches knowledge.
Originally posted by Tx-Husker:
I don't doubt that, coach. But the example of the "play" was a 12u softball team. I don't find it possible the coach wasn't involved there.

Especially 12 y/o girls. You can bet that some adult was behind it, whether it was a coach or an emotionally abusive Dad who put their daughters up to it. 12 y/o female athletes just don't think this way normally.

Originally posted by Tx-Husker:
What play? I didn't know that was a designed play for baseball or softball! Come on!

So, you think this is something a pitcher and catcher cook up on their own without the coach knowing about it? I highly doubt that...

No, I'm sure that the coach had full knowledge of what was about to happen and maybe called it or encouraged it. What I'm saying is its not a designed play.....does it put the teams on the field playing the game at an advantage to win the game....NO it does not, and if you watch the video due to the catcher not fielding the ball a runner advances.....I'd say advantage other team!

Coaches that advocate this type of behavior due to not agreeing with an umpires call(s) is absolutely intolerable. No excuses.
I was in Gulf Shores Al for the 14 year old global world series.There was a ump tell a player that if he let another ball pass he was going to put his foot up his A$$$. Now I don't think that what a ump should say to any player nor do I think the catcher was letting meany ball pass. I only seen one ball pass that hit this ump on foot. I have a big problem with that. The catcher came a told his coach what the ump said to him and the coach ended up being put out. In this case I could see something like this happening to be a reminder that it not about the umps it about the kids. Could this be what happen here? I was not here so I don't know what was said or done. All I do know is the ump need ice. This was a team that was playing before us. Eather way I dont think this would be need to get you way.
Last edited by gindog

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