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I have been on this board a long time and seen and heard a lot of things which add to what I know or do not know from my own personal experience.

One thing has become very clear and that is this: what happens in one portion of the country regarding baseball, or any other sport for that matter, is not necessarily what happens in another

01-- HS baseball seasons vary with start and finish dates
02-- HS academic years are not the same in each neck of the woods
03-- Not all sections have the same number of college divisions --example--Florida has no Division III programs--some areas of the country have no idea as to what Division III baseball is all about
04-- The "attitudes" toward Showcases and Travel Teams varies from one part of the country to another
05-- The internet is not always what one believes it to be in terms of the knowledge purportedly delivered--make sure you check the source regardless of the topic and message (information) board you are on
06-- A lot of people do not do the proper homework before posting and asking questions.

It is a big country and most areas are very different from another. With all the new members joining here I think this is something that all should be aware of

Just a few thoughts from an "Old Timer" in more ways than one
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