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Hello -

I have been exchanging some PM's with Bolts and getting some good feedback from him on my son's videos. His son has an outstanding Youtube page. I had a hard time arranging videos and organizing my YouTube page in a particular order, so I used a free website called WIX. It was surprisingly easy to use.

Could I get some feedback on the layout, etc?




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A video should be no more than 2  1/2 min long. Showing hitting and fielding mechanics from different angles only. Coaches will not go through anything longer. This will get some interest only and will want to see the player in person.

IMO it is a nice video but should have one video showing all and do away with sound. Not even music.


Good Luck

That's an awesome site. If for nothing else, personal collection.  Can you itemize your videos in the order you would like them presented?   If so, you could do a main "pro workout" video, I.e., hitting, fielding, throwing and 60 time (the 2 1/2 minute version).  Then you could separate out game footage of hitting, fielding and base running. 

They can get the quick low-down on him in the short video.  If they like him, they can view more.   

For in game footage, I think the background noise makes it. 

He looks athletic. 

I appreciate the comments everyone.

Thanks for the clarification Sultan.

2nd, I used a Casio high speed and a Panasonic. They have taken a beating and I will have to get another camera soon. I don't think it really matters on the camera and what I have been looking for lately is a camera that shoots at 60 frames per second for a better quality video (if anyone knows of one please let me know). I can't find one, but I did find out that an iPhone 6 shoots at 60 fps, so I will be using my iPhone for now. If you go here and look at the second video, it was shot from my iPhone. The video is just smoother, especially if you do slow motion.!game-highlight-videos/cee5

To set your iPhone at 60 fps, go to settings, select  photos and camera, then turn on "record at 60 fps."

I have spoken to some professional video guys in the past and the number one thing they tell me is to keep the camera still, so I use a tripod and set it where I think it will cover the plays. I have seen many videos where the camera is moving and I think it's tough on the eyes and wouldn't last very long when trying to get/keep a recruiting coordinator's attention. Just my opinion...

Thanks and good luck!

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