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Originally posted by trstrstrs:
Three levels - these are approx. $$ as I cant recall exactly - $795, $1250, and I think $2495. With each level you get more ability to change and post videos that they teach you to do.

Eek Run Forest Run.....

With a little intelligence you can video tape and post them on youtube. You can make up your own lists and email the coaches. (your son with your help) Don’t get me wrong the research part will take some time, but by doing yourself with your son he/you are going to learn what programs really make sense for him. Post here and use this site as a resource. Go to the right places WHEN he is ready. Spend the money on good coaching and a good travel team and if he can play at the college level he will find a place.
My first post and I am needing a quick answer. My son has his NCSA interview tonight and this has all happened so fast that I haven't been able to really think about it.

What kind of interview is this? Can anyone who has been thru this give me some insight on their interview and the type of questions and conversation?

Thanks in advance and I have really enjoyed reading this board.

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