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Not directly related to this, but earlier this year I got to learn what its like to be the parent of a traded baseball player (minor leaguer).

BTW, next time you hear a player say he heard about it on the news before anyone told him (something I used to not quite believe)...believe it! Our son learned of the trade while reading Twitter stuff. Saw a line about his old team acquiring a SS, wondered who they traded for the SS, clicked on the link to learn it was HIM! Eek
Originally posted by biggerpapi:
I recall old stories about players being traded between games of a the opponent.

This week Ubaldo Jiminez threw one inning for the Rockies before being pulled and notified he was just traded to the Indians.

The trade was done but not approved and you can't keep a starting pitcher out of his rotation before approval as he still is on that team.

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