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With Thanksgiving closing in on us I just wanted to take a second and count a few of my many blessings.

First off, I am thankful for my beautiful wife Kelly(without her understanding I wouldnt be able to coach the game I love.)

I am thankful for my family, they were the first to teach what a team really is....

I am thankful for all my friends. So many great memories.

I am thankful for the game of baseball and all the people who contribute to make it the game it is.

I am thankful for all our men and women who are serving and protecting our Countries freedoms..GOD BLESS OUR SOLDIERS!

Last but not least, I am thankful to all my players, past and present. It may sound selfish and self serving but this is the truth,
they have brought the game of baseball back into my life and I have filled a void that existed since my career ended..People often tell me how much I give of myself to the kids and game, what they don't know is how much these kids give to me.

Forever Grateful.
"Mental toughness is sacrifice and self denial combined with a disciplined will that refuses to give in." "Character in action."
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It sounds corny, but I am really thankful for my wife! God bless her. How many women would put up with us guys. It is supposed to be 50-50 but really it is more like 80-20. Cleaning the uniforms, packing the van for baseball trips, feeding us at all hours of the day, hauling the kids back and forth to games/school, and generally putting up with all the testosterone in the house.

Also, I am very thankful to ALL the great baseball people we have met in the past year. Too many to name here but please know that we appreciate what you do for our IL kids.

Hoping everyone has a healthy '07, even the Cub's pitching staff.

Thanks Deucedoc, Kelly too!
I'm thankful for all of our troops around the world!

I'm thankful for my mom. She will be 89 on Friday!

I'm thankful for my oldest daughter, who is having us over for Thanksgiving. Finally!!!!

I'm thankful for my youngest daughter who is expecting twin girls in February!

I'm thankful for my son, who is home for Thanksgiving, and is doing great in school and with baseball!

I'm thankful for my wife who put up with a "head case" for 23 years!

I'm most thankful for my two deceased sons who made me realize that it is o.k. to spoil your children, because like the 'Stones lyrics' say, "you don't know what you got until it's gone"!

LOL and peace to all of you!

I am thankful for my beautiful wife who will be delivering our 1st baby any day now.

I am thankful for all of my students and players. You may drive me nuts sometimes, but it’s your passion and desire that keep me motivated.

I am thankful for all of our men and women who are serving our country proudly.

I am thankful for both sets of my parents. You taught me that while divorce is hard, people can find happiness and strength again.

I am thankful for all of the people around the Chicagoland area who care about baseball so much that they give their valuable time and money to help out the next generation of players.

I am thankful for all of my former coaches. It was your guidance and direction that helped me discover how to be a caring responsible man.

Have a safe and joyous Thanksgiving. 16 weeks to HS opening week!

Justin Stringer
Do It Right Baseball
Lane Tech Baseball
Happy Thanksgiving All….

Duce, way to “lead off”. Great thread… Thanks for starting it…

Thanks for all those who have passed their love, knowledge, and passion of baseball down to the next generation. It’s the baseball people that make this game so great!

Duce I can’t tell you enough what a big role you played… Thanks! I hope you pour Kelly another glass of wine and tell her to put her feet up while you do the dishes…

God Bless and thank you HSBBWeb.
Thank you Julie, MnMom, for all that you've done, and continue to do to keep this website alive and well. With all the insanity that exists in our world today, the pressures that our children face and will face in the future, baseball is this man's source of escape and relaxation. Thank you Julie for allowing us a forum to learn, discuss and even disagree but on a subject that we all love.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Football National Champs:

Florida State University

1996....only because the Noles were forced to play the lizard's twice that year....the 2nd time without Warrick Dunn, Rock Preston and a host of injured future NFL stars.

For the record:

Florida has been playing Football for twice as long as Florida State, which has twice as many National Championships.

Florida has played in January 16 times.
Florida State has played in January 20 years....IN A ROW
DeueceDoc, Nice Thread! I'm am also thankful for my family. I have a great wife that understands the life of a coach's wife. It's a lot harder than most of you realize. Imagine sitting at work, as she did yesterday, and having someone come in and say some very unkind things about your husband and the "favorites" he plays. The lady was wearing a Triad Baseball Shirt at the time and so, my Wife asked if her son played baseball. She should have learned by now. As I've posted before, she doesn't go out of her way to say I'm her husband! LOL!

My kid is also very special. She is "sponsoring" a child in the Toys for Tots program that is a "4-Toddler." We went out and bought a few gifts for this child this past weekend. Yesterday, she came home and had that look about her. I asked what was wrong and she said that another "4-Toddler" child wasn't pick by anyone and so, she took that child as well. She offered to buy those gifts from her savings. I have a pretty neat kid. Her school basketball team has a "Big Sis - Little Sis" activty. Well, some of the 7th graders weren't selected. BB took them all. We now get stuff for 5 "little sisters." She's a good kid!

One final thing that I'm thankful for is my players, coaching staff, parents, and administration. I'm very blessed. Once upon a time, I got the boot out of coaching baseball. Ripped my heart out. Triad gave me a chance to prove I could coach. I'll never forget the kindness.
Last edited by CoachB25

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