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It is a continuous and on-going process. Just when you think his swing is "perfect", he gains 10lbs. or grows another inch! ...what fun it is!

OK. So just how big is the Boomer these days? My 13yo seems to be on a bit of a growth spurt maybe he's still ahead of him in height at least.

Personally, I've found that I'm much better off throwing BP, hitting grounders, etc. and leaving most of the instruction to someone else.
"I would venture to guess that I have taken many more swings off a tee than you and understand the value of tee work."

That's good. Tee drills have been around as long as baseball itself and are unique in the ability to isolate the dynamics of bat travel from ball travel. Pros find this useful for working on hand position and bat angle for a given pitch location since a tee can be set anywhere in the zone and struck repeatedly. They can also work on refining contact with the ball to impart trajectory and backspin. It's an old-school approach...but the game really hasn't changed that much.
Sounds like we got a pair of twins, My son just turned 11 (plays 11 year old ball) a couple months ago but is 5'2.5", 128 lbs, wears 8.5 size shoes. Doctor says he should be about the same as Boomer. Does he have any problems with Osgood - Schlatter or is he one of the lucky ones? My son just developed it in his other knee in the past month or so ... gotta love OS (Grrrrr!)
Interested to see the sizes on other guys kids. I have wondered about mine and how he stacks up to other kids. When he was 12 he was 5'6 150. He just turned 15 and is 6'0 205 and has a size 14-1/2 foot size. He still looks like a baby in the face not one whisker. Im 5-9 and mom is 5-7. Whats up? No milk man jokes ok. My moms dad was 6-7 and my wifes dad was 6-5.

My son is very similar to yours except he was probably closer to 5’ 3” at 14 and therefore predicted to grow to 5’ 8”. Now he’s a few months past 16 and is 6’ 1” and still growing.

Just curious, do you remember how tall your son was around 16, 17….? At what age did he reach his present day height of 6’ 3”? How about his weight?

The growth indicator needs to have an additional field that asks if the kid is shaving more than once a month and adjust the height accordingly.

If I remember accurately at 16 and a half (summer after sophomore year) he was probably 6'0"......the summer of 17 about 6'1, then when he graduated about 6'2".......when he went to college as a freshman he was 6'2" and they weighed him in the first day at 160 pounds. He is now in his fourth semester of college and just turned 20, again at 6'3", 180.
Coach May

Here is the CDC Growth Chart Site.


As I remember, Boomer was about 3rd or 4th in height on your 10U team last summer. Trevor, Hunter, Chase and Thomas were some pretty big boys! Now Chico is shooting up as well. Must be that VA air! (I did question their ages though, particularly when Trevor drove up and Hunter was carrying a six-pack!)


Boomer has an Achilles heel thing (plantis erectus or something). I had the same thing when I was his age. Very painful when bumped. Not much can be done about it, other than heel cups. Just have to outgrow it. I wore a size 13 shoe when I was his age and my foot was actually longer than my shin bone. We didn't have a swim team, too bad because I had built in flippers!
Last edited by Callaway

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