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Way too much production. I only saw a couple shots that showed anything about your swing. Way too much meaningless shots.
Coaches are busy and you have to show them something that impresses them. Cut the music. Try to get some live video and video that shows your skills/tools.
That is way too home slide show for Grandma. Try to not waste a coaches time. Get to the point quickly.
A few comments:

Keep it short - 2-3 minutes max - coaches don't have time to waste.

Make sure you get to an action shot in the first 30 seconds - it took you 4 minutes to get to the first video.

In fact, show video as much as possible throughout, still shots as useful to a coach and should be used minimally.

If you are going to use stills here and there, don't use ones that have "Fox Photography" on them - my first reaction is that you ripped them off from the photographer - not the impression that you want to leave with the coach.

Wear a baseball uniform even when hitting off the tee - just looks better.

Lose the music - if the coach is my age, he will probably hit the mute button (as I did)

Hope this helps
Ummm yeah... I echo all the previous comments...

Take a look at this:

Then go to:

and check out some other real scouting videos of High School/College prospects...

Try to make your video as close to these as possible.

Buy a Tripod and kill the music too.
Last edited by Bolts-Coach-PR
When I did one for my daughter (softball) it had three swings, three defensive plays with throws and running the bases with her time in the forty (shorter bases) and around the bases posted on the screen. No music. Then a short statement on why she wanted to attend the college and be part of the program. Total time, about two and a half minutes. Odds of being viewed: Who knows? It was more valuable to the interested programs that saw her at showcases.
Last edited by RJM

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