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Hello everyone. I am a brand new member, so please excuse me while I feel my way around! This seems to be a great place to get some feedback, and learn more about the recruiting game.

My '08 son (position player) has received a few phone calls from D1 schools since July 1st, but no offers yet. Last week, he received a call from the recruiting coordinator at a Pac-10 national powerhouse that happens to be his #1 choice. They saw him play in two tourneys and one showcase.

My son is a catcher and/or outfielder who has size, speed, and is a power hitter. Recruiting coordinator said they see him as a 50-60% money guy, but with the new NCAA rules, they are having trouble offering that much money, and still spread the wealth around. They know son is speaking with some other schools, a couple in the same conference.

Coach called again yesterday, and said they would like to try to get some academic money (3.5+ gpa 1880 SAT)in addition to athletic money, so asked him to fax a copy of his unofficial transcript. He also gave my son his cell phone number, and asked him to call back when he was sending the fax. My son called him back on his cell phone today, and coach answered right away and knew him from caller ID.

My question to those who may have been, or are currently in a similar situation, is how should we read into this? Son is only speaking with the assistant coach/recruiting coordinator, and has not spoken to the head coach. Since this is my son's number one choice, he is obviously excited, but wants to play this right. Does this sound like an offer is coming, or is this just part of the 'recruiting game'? I don't want to see him get crushed by getting his hopes up too high, only to find out he was being played.

Any opinions or advice will be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
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SteveNordie, Welcome to the HSBBW.
Great site for info.

Just a little advice, You might want to change your sign in name.
If you want to stay somewhat anonymous.

Most of the contacts come from the Recruiting Coordinator.
The only advice I can give is have Patience's.
And a back-up plan.

But from what you have explained it sound's promising.
Welcome to the HSBBW.
Sounds like an offer is coming, they are just trying to work things out so it can be affordable for you.
One thing you mentioned. The last person many recruits talk to or meet is the HC. IMO, that is a doing a great disservice to a recruit. A HC has the power to either make or break your son in his college experience. Not that circumstances don't change (coaches leave), and the final decision should be about a lot of different things, that one included. All things have to be considered when making this important decision.

Good luck.
An offer's coming - Check the college website to find out the "real" cost of attendance, and explore whether this is a good "fit" (academic, social, financial). Some things to consider...Who is ahead of your son at his position? Where does the coach see him fitting in. Is there a plan to work on his weaknesses? What is it? Plenty more good questions to research if you search this site.
Sounds to me like your son is much sought-after and that's never a bad thing. The fact that this Pac-10 coach is going to some lengths to scrape together enough dough to satisfy your need is a great sign. Relax, enjoy.

Sounds like an offer is coming, they are just trying to work things out so it can be affordable for you. One thing you mentioned. The last person many recruits talk to or meet is the HC. IMO, that is a doing a great disservice to a recruit. A HC has the power to either make or break your son in his college experience. Not that circumstances don't change (coaches leave), and the final decision should be about a lot of different things, that one included. All things have to be considered when making this important decision.

Great news so far. But "it ain't over 'til it's over." Continue the process with other schools.

An offer's coming - Check the college website to find out the "real" cost of attendance, and explore whether this is a good "fit" (academic, social, financial). Some things to consider...Who is ahead of your son at his position? Where does the coach see him fitting in. Is there a plan to work on his weaknesses? What is it? Plenty more good questions to research if you search this site.

Thank you all so much for your words of wisdom and encouragement. I can't tell you how much this helps. This site has been a Godsend! angel
Last edited by SteveNordie

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