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I didn't want to hijack the other thread and so, thought I'd start this one for people to comment on who they have met via this great game.


First, although I have never met them in person, I have communicated with PGStaff, MNMom, TRHit,TPM, via email, pms, or phone calls.  Though I won't mention the exact circumstance some of these fine people supported me as a moderator here during some very rough times.  There are several other members here that I have built relationships with over the years.  I coached against and am friends with Bulldog19.


Before I go much further, I'd like to mention Donny Buster.  While I communicated with him via this website and another, the world is not a better place since we have lost him.


In my career, I was so blessed to get to coach with some of the top HS coaches in the history of my state.  (Illinois)  I have coached with or against so many who are now in the state's Hall of Fame.  From up north in our state, I always considered Frank Ganser to be a top notch coach and a heck of a good guy. 


I was asked to go to the former Soviet Union in 1988.  I coached there for a few weeks and so, met the Lithuanian National Team.  After spending time coaching them and then returning to the U.S., I learned that after I left, the won the first Soviet Baseball Championship.  I get a little angry about a SI article about the first baseball team that went to the Soviet Union because I was there with my team a full 4 months before that team went.   Then I realized that we were there to coach/build a program and they were there to tour and play. 


Due to coaching baseball, I have had access to the St. Louis Cardinals that few could match.  When the new Busch Stadium was built, only one baseball team was allowed to host a HS game the first year.  I was selected to host that game and asked a buddy to bring his team.  I have so  many pictures of my daughter with Cardinal players on the field, in the dugout, in the area below the stadium ...  I was able to golf with a couple as well.  Some of those guys are tremendous golfers. 


I met Frank Howard in an airport with one of my teams.  He walked by and spoke to the boys but they didn't know who he was and he didn't introduce himself.  He simply stopped and talked baseball with them.  It was so neat to see this.  Eventually, I went up and told the boys who they were talking to.  Mr. Howard was so humble.  I will never forget his kindness.  For sure, he gained a lot of fans on that day. 


Well, this is a start.  Hey, how about some name dropping. 


Edited to add:


Since I am an old timer here and I miss that label, I wanted to mention that I was able to watch BigHit15's son play.  That was pretty neat and he sure had a lot of talent.  I saw him pitch on a very hot night and he did well.  Somewhere on my old computer I have pictures of his son from that night. 

"Failure depends upon people who say I can't."  - my dad's quote July 1st, 2021.  CoachB25 = Cannonball for other sites.

Last edited by CoachB25
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I'll post another player that I was fortunate to get to talk to.  Andres Galarraga played with the Cardinals in the early 90s.  As some of you might know, he was given the name of the "Big Cat."  I/we were waiting for the photo op with the player that the Cardinals had selected to represent the Cardinals after working a fundraiser with the Cardinals.  I forget who it was but, long story short, the Big Cat came out.  I didn't realize just how big he was.  He was a funny guy even with his broken English. He volunteered to come out and take the place of the other guy.  He was new that year to the Cardinals and so, I guess he wanted to demonstrate to the Cardinals that he was willing to do whatever it takes to impress them.  He went from the Cardinals to the Rockies so I rooted for him all the time when he was not playing the Cardinals.  If I remember correctly, he had a battle with cancer and I hope he is doing well.  

Originally Posted by Swampboy:
Originally Posted by CoachB25:


Since I am an old timer here and I miss that label . . . . 



Since you said you miss being an old timer here, I gave you a custom-made title.  Hope you like it.

Thank you and it is very appropriate.  I think of so many "old timers" that I miss from this board.  I wish some of those guys/gals would/could come back. 

Originally Posted by TPM:
Originally Posted by Swampboy:
Originally Posted by CoachB25:


Since I am an old timer here and I miss that label . . . . 



Since you said you miss being an old timer here, I gave you a custom-made title.  Hope you like it.

Heyyyyy...make me one!!!!! Lol

What do you want it to say?


As Coach Butler said, we found ourselves in opposite dugouts while I was in high school. Our school has long considered his to be the "evil empire." In fact, the name of his school caused us to do a lot of running one time! 


I've also met rz1 when I interned in Wisconsin one summer. He showed me around Madison a little bit and took me to a Madison Mallards' game. Where I would meet Bum's son, who pitched for the Mallards. 


I also met Play Baseball a couple of a years ago. I was supposed to be in Chicago for a professional meeting, but ended up driving to Chicago to have lunch with her.  

Ok.....didn't want to get into this "name dropping" thing...but I'll


I have been in the back seat of a car (very expensive) being driven by the brother of a pretty famous MLB SS on I-275...heading to White Castle....then went back  and  had beers (a lot...his call...not mine)   with the dad of the same "very famous SS"....before his living room floor and heading home the next morning... 

Originally Posted by CoachB25:

I'll post another player that I was fortunate to get to talk to.  Andres Galarraga played with the Cardinals in the early 90s.  As some of you might know, he was given the name of the "Big Cat."  I/we were waiting for the photo op with the player that the Cardinals had selected to represent the Cardinals after working a fundraiser with the Cardinals.  I forget who it was but, long story short, the Big Cat came out.  I didn't realize just how big he was.  He was a funny guy even with his broken English. He volunteered to come out and take the place of the other guy.  He was new that year to the Cardinals and so, I guess he wanted to demonstrate to the Cardinals that he was willing to do whatever it takes to impress them.  He went from the Cardinals to the Rockies so I rooted for him all the time when he was not playing the Cardinals.  If I remember correctly, he had a battle with cancer and I hope he is doing well.  

I went to a Braves/Cubs Series at Wrigley Field years ago, and the Big Cat put on a show in BP!

In my youth I was a bartender in NYC.  As a result I met, or at least served drinks to, everyone from movie stars to music icons to mayors to mafia dons, Just to drop a few names: Liz Taylor, Lucille Ball, Paul Newman, Itzhak Perlman, James Taylor, Carly Simon -- for years I had a giant wool scarf that she had left behind and never came back for.  Mike Tyson was a regular at one place I worked.  At that place we saw a smattering of Yankees and Mets and visiting ballplayers as well.

There are a handful of people on the site I know due to my son playing with or against their son. The one person I've met through this site is TR. He was in our area for a showcase. My son was fourteen at the time. Given TR's New England connections and my son's then potential interest in some NESCACs I figured he was a good person to know. What a character. If there's a stereotype of what a baseball guy looks like, TR ain't it. I had an entertaining hour talking with him.

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