its never easy around here anymore, is it

I do think there has been some excellent discussion around here, too. Just gotta separate the wheat from the chaffe...
lots of things are shades of grey. if a kid *performs* well with less than perfect mechanics, alot of it could also be style, and we think its fundamentals. Of course, if its something that really veers of the course of the 2-3 absolutes in the swing, then I think it would be worth bringing up.
But you better believe that I would have a frank discussion with the kid (and possibly parents, especially at our age - 14U). If things don't work out, you'll be known as the one that ruined his future.
You, as a coach, better bring me video swing analysis with angles, etc. to show me what you mean. If you're just talking in some vagaries that you can't firmly lay out to me, I'm less likely to believe you.
To change a kid that is having that much success without concrete evidence, you're not doing yourself or the kid any justice.