BHD..............I can't answer your question about parents bragging to other parents. I suppose you could ask them, and let us know ?
by: Bob Howdeshell
High School Baseball Web"Many times the player is a "big fish in a small pond." His parents, peers and others all feel that he is a future professional baseball player.
We have all met folks with larger than "reality" opinions about their player's abilities and college baseball potential, that may not match the rest of the world's opinion. The reality of recruiting is that it is different for every player."
Is it like 5% of all HS kids go on to play college baseball ? Every year in D1, about 2500 incoming freshman out of about 120,000 graduating high schoolers, or about 2 %.
I suppose many(all) of us are lucky and blessed who have college players, and maybe the parents of the other 95% just want to be included, even if their sons don't have the skills to get there.
I don't think it is news to everyone that as we all get older, more settled, that we shift focus of successes of our children to the forefront. It is human nature.
While coaching 3rd base this Fall for my younger boys team, we played a team that had a taller, bigger, and stronger pitcher on the mound. He threw pretty hard for an 12 year old. The teams were mixed with kids ages 10-12.
The name on the back of the kids jersey was
NO-NOHis father was the head coach, and I could see the ego dripping off this guy. My first thoughts were to advise him that the charade won't last forever, and that he may be setting up his kid for a big downer at some point when the hitters catch up physically, but I didn't.
Then I thought in my mind to tell him it would be more impressive if he was shutting down 13-14 year olds, but I didn't.
My point is this. I am less bothered by the parent of a marginal player being unrealistic than I am about a daddy/coach posturing up his big fish in a small pond. They still can't find the tip of my tongue on the infield after biting it several times.
I also never said how neat it was for a nice 10 year old who lined a single and turned no-no into a mortal, until now.
Hope thats not self-promoting, just recent history