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Huh?  Not sure what's eatin' at ya but in case someone actually tries to search, I'll take a stab...

After being on the site for a long time, I have seen it exist as a lot of things, mostly a fantastic resource for parents and players headed toward, in the middle of and preparing to move on to the next steps from HS baseball.

It is the only resource I have seen for any sport that is such a complete reference with such a great cross-section and depth of willing participants to help those on that path.  Parents of former players at all levels, coaches from all levels, scouts, instructors, ex-players, league administrators, trainers, umpires, nutritionists, you name it.  Representation from all corners of the country and beyond.  It is a place where you can have pretty much any baseball related issues and problems addressed.   Plenty of different perspectives, opinions and often debate.  More than that, it is a community with an overall atmosphere of helping and supporting each other, even though we bicker at times.

Occasionally, it morphs into other things... some good and some bad.  Baseball and sports discussion, jokes, politics, weather, etc.  But mostly, it is an amazing resource for the baseball journey unlike any I have seen elsewhere.

Last edited by cabbagedad

Certainly not at this point to help a player continue his career as far as it may lead. Seems mostly to encourage players to forgo baseball. Weird huh, a baseball site that tells players to forget baseball.

Most of us have sons who have played or are playing in college or the pros.  Most of the rest of us have sons who are trying to play in college or the pros.

So, no.

Oh, oh! I got this one!  Because it’s F’ing awesome!  To go one layer deeper, because it’s one place where you can find honesty.  Highly valuable honesty. I don’t live in a baseball hotbed, but there are plenty around here getting recruited. What always seems so strange to me is how almost everyone keeps their “story” fairly close to the vest and/or shrouded in some mystery. Embellished to some degree. Very little of that here. Thank God. 

This is an amazing site. I’ve gotten a lot of emotional growth reading others Kiddo, parents, coaches, former players personal experiences. This place is a life saver. Ask a question and you get honest opinion! Friends with first hand experience willing to assist you.

I say it’s valuable and priceless the advice I’ve read here. One post, I post I was in a Emotional broken state -after my kid ball, broke the coach bones on his face. This site help me navigate that situation and help me support my kid all while staying mentally sound. How can you put a price on that? 

Great response @cabbagedad. I went down the rabbit hole of reading the "Please Identify Your Son" thread in Golden Threads (after @anotherparent Posted something about it) and it was so wonderful and humbling to read about kids/parents at all different stages from middle school through the pros who have come to this board for advice and comradery for over 16 years. Especially for parents not from traditional baseball hotbeads, there is no better place to come to learn from others, bounce your ideas off of people who understand baseball and get advice from people who have been where you are or where you want to go. Most of the world thinks we baseball families are a little loopy so it's nice to come somewhere where everyone gets it!

What may feel like pessimism to some is realism to others. I see it as my job as a parent to gather all of the information available to help my kids make the best choices they can. We all have to walk our own paths, make our own mistakes but also possibly forge on to exciting places that were worth the risk. Sometimes HSBBW validates your choices and sometimes it challenges them but ultimately they are still that...your choices. No one knows your kids and your situation better than you do. And mistakes are only mistakes if you don't learn from them. 

One thing I would agree on is that HSBBW has probably succumbed to some of the same tension and even negativity that is touching a lot of our lives this year. Some of it is inevitable but I do wonder if some of it comes from hiding behind screen names. Makes me wonder if we should resurrect that Golden Thread. It would keep us from dealing with hypotheticals and force us to interact with "real" people. 

 Finally, I think if each of us could attempt to avoid sweeping generalizations and focus on our own experiences and opinions, that would help a lot. 

Last edited by PTWood

I personally like the blunt no-nonsense with a couple of toppings of bitterness posts...and I do look forward to Franny's borderline neurotic posts too. It can't always be posts of great vacation pics with HSBBW friends in places I wish I could go or helpful tips, funny quips and inspirational or sad tales all the time. 

Last edited by 2022NYC

I've been here for a little over a year and am grateful I found it. Lots of good advice and information. Some of it directly contradicting previous thoughts and advice I'd heard from other parents over the years. 

One of the biggest takeaways for me is having a realistic approach to my son's goal of playing baseball and majoring in Math/Physics at an HA. I was able to sit down with my son a while ago for him to set goals to achieve the metrics he'll need to have a shot. Without this site we'd probably still be focusing on the same old things that ultimately will have a much lesser impact on his ability to be recruited.

To build relationships in a community that is full of all kinds of people.  I've been here almost 15 years under two different names (lost the ability to log in under original name and had to start over).  Just like my family I've not agreed with others and some times that continues for a while.  The social atmosphere lately has changed the dynamic of what is being allowed and what is being stopped/deleted but it has brought a different dynamic to HSBBW.  I've been gone for 2 weeks on vacation out west and have missed the banter.  I'm sure I will waste a large portion of today catching up on it.  I'm sure someone said something that got you in this spot and probably if you quote it your comment about a specific person or instance would be correct, but the goal of this board is help all of us navigate this baseball journey from pre-high school through high school and beyond.  THEN to continue to come here and help others navigate their journey (because all are different) with their child as we give wisdom and experiences.  I hope your original post made you feel better even if it was confusing.

To play devil's advocate, I kinda get what SBD is saying.  This site is amazing and has helped me understand so much regarding college recruiting.  My 2025 LHP is a stud; he also mashes he has 1B option too.  I know what's going to happen for him in a couple years. But my 2023 is different.  He's a smaller MIF/CF who is an elite student.  His pool of desired schools is a lot smaller.  But reading here does occasionally make me feel like he won't find a spot in college baseball.   It is what it is.  Reality check or whatever.  But my general sense is there is sometimes a bit of negativity to some posts here.  I don't know what set SBD off.  I recall his post where his son, who received 7 D1 offers was transferring; so perhaps his boy is in a tough spot right now.  We should always strive for grace and understanding.  

It's for the huge variety of personal stories.  There are people on here whose kids went to college, got drafted (or just got drafted), continued past a professional career, and are still in baseball.  There are people on here whose kids started college, had challenging baseball or academic or social experiences, or got injured, transferred, kept going or hung them up.  There are lots of posts by people whose kids committed to college for baseball, but then they stopped posting, so you don't know what happened to them.  Everyone with a baseball son knows other baseball kids and their stories, too.  Every story is unique, the variety is amazing, and yet there are patterns.  You can't really apply anyone else's story to your own son, but you can definitely read stories and say, "yeah, that was like my son." 

People's advice tends to be based on what they have seen and experienced, the negative advice is just as valuable as the positive.  If there is more negative advice than positive advice right now, it is because COVID has changed things for the next few years.

To play devil's advocate, I kinda get what SBD is saying.  This site is amazing and has helped me understand so much regarding college recruiting.  My 2025 LHP is a stud; he also mashes he has 1B option too.  I know what's going to happen for him in a couple years. But my 2023 is different.  He's a smaller MIF/CF who is an elite student.  His pool of desired schools is a lot smaller.  But reading here does occasionally make me feel like he won't find a spot in college baseball.   It is what it is.  Reality check or whatever.  But my general sense is there is sometimes a bit of negativity to some posts here.  I don't know what set SBD off.  I recall his post where his son, who received 7 D1 offers was transferring; so perhaps his boy is in a tough spot right now.  We should always strive for grace and understanding.  

Dadbelly, you are right.  Players like your 2025 generally don't need as much direction.  But your 2023 sounds much like the player of the majority of parents who come here looking for help (much like mine was).  It does no good for them to come here and get the same "common courtesy" compliments and/or misinformed viewpoints of the parents on the sidelines that they encounter so often, telling them "oh, he's such a good player, he'll be great in college".  Most find the college recruiting path hard and the competition much stronger than expected.  Straight forward truth with the proper warnings of the many pitfalls is what will help most (along with detailed direction, information, suggestions, etc.).  

I think, if you are here long enough, you will see that the overriding POV is that most who are reasonably talented and willing to work hard enough can find a place in college baseball (as opposed to "he won't find a spot").  But it is imperative that they also do the tedious work of identifying the proper matching level and schools.  And then, they have to weigh whether the cost/reward is in line with their primary objectives regarding college and career direction. 

I think some of the perceived negativity stems from the effort to provide that brutal honesty and "no BS" direction, some is just personalities and more recently, some is a reflection of the added level of difficulty to the process due to the direct and trickle-down effects of Covid on the college baseball scene.  Overall, HELPING others thru the process is the ultimate objective of most here. 

To add... if your 2023 ultimately does not find a spot in college baseball (or chooses not to pursue), you will likely find both him and yourself in a better position to deal with that and move on to bigger and better things more quickly because you have a more informed perspective from what you learned here, right?

Last edited by cabbagedad

My profile says I joined (gasp) 11 years ago, but in reality, I lurked for quite a while before then.  There was a very active middle school topic group at the time, on how to make the high school team, especially on the Virginia section.  That is where I started.  

I got really slammed one time on a post I made.  It got my mommy parenting feathers ruffled, from the responses on how we had to punish my son one time.  You just move on.  

It is really cool to remember Lucas Giolito's dad posting and now seeing him pitch on TV.   

Son is playing professional baseball now, but through this site I gained a ton of knowledge on what to expect from showcases, tournaments, recruiting, offers, and what a "slot" is.  My son was not one of the 'elite' guys....he just loved baseball and was pretty good at what he loved.   This site is an active encyclopedia of baseball knowledge, and I am so very grateful that I found it many years ago.  

What this site is NOT is vehicle for a shew in to make varsity, the starting rotation, a college scholarship, or a call on draft day.  Your son's talent and work ethic will determine that.

"To add... if your 2023 ultimately does not find a spot in college baseball (or chooses not to pursue), you will likely find both him and yourself in a better position to deal with that and move on to bigger and better things more quickly because you have a more informed perspective from what you learned here, right?"

Well said and I completely agree! 

This has been a tremendous support network from the time my kid was a freshman in high school. Sometimes i find myself sitting down to write posts on totally separate topics just because I wish I could find the same kind of honest feedback on my small business, my daughter's graduate school decisions and a host of other topics.

What is here is unusual and just as every kid's path through baseball is different, maybe this site isn't for everyone. That's okay, just as it's okay for those of us who find it useful.

After thinking for a while on this, some of us have experienced the good and bad.  Youngest son is not the typical SEC pitcher, but made it anyway, and maybe never had the incredible things that get them there at first glance.  He is 5'10" LHP who never officially broke 90 in almost 35 PG events but has great command of 5 plus pitches.  He was the kid that everyone had to see multiple times to be sold on, but once they were they were there hard and heavy.  For those who gave him a chance, they were all in and he had incredible high school and travel ball stats and accolades to back it up.  All state for four years in two different states and player of the year for AA in SC his junior year and runner up overall POY his senior year. 

Middle son was recruited by all the big boys except his #2 team.  Number one team made best offer they could but could not waive out of state and couldn't afford it.   He went to the one who loved him the most and had a good college D1 career.  Went on to coach college baseball and softball at the juco level.  His greatest frustration might be two fold.  Turning down SEC dual offer as QB and LHP and not going to the local mid major D1 where he would have been the stud and made money going to college with the offer and other scholarships. But he is happy and doing what he wants to do.

Oldest son was not recruited by D1 out of HS and it was D1 or nothing.  He went where the wanted and got multiple NAIA, D2 and juco offers for three years but never played.  The local D1 finally gave him a preferred walk-on spot but the HC told him he would rather him stay where he was and coach the HC's sons in travel and middle school.  He now owns his own successful company and is a varsity basketball coach at the highest level in TN. 

Through the entire process with all three which started on here years ago I have received great advice for all three.  Some good, some bad, some downright nasty.  But I'm still here with the family we call HSBBW whether we like them today or not.  I gave my sons information off of here but let them make their own choices.  Each has regrets and successes in their journey.  Middle son keeps asking as he pays back his loans why I didn't make him go to the local school.  My answer is always because you were a grown enough man to make your own choices.  And some choices you have to live with.  Oldest son missed playing but loved coaching and has been very good at it.  One of the few HS varsity HC's who does not teach and is a HC.  Youngest son is fighting along with every college player right now to prove he belongs.  Had one bad outing last spring and it happened to be the last game they played.  He has had 6 months to dwell on it and is working hard to come back. 

I've even passed this site on to others and information off of it.  Helping a girl get over the yips that is a high level softball player and the advice on here has been great.  Thank you to all who help contribute whether I agree with it or not.  Some times we need a break but most of us come back.  Because we are family.  We might have some weird cousins but they are our cousins. 

Last edited by PitchingFan

I'm pretty sure @Consultant is holding out on us. Divination is the 7th tool...You know he can do it!

Cold day in Maputo today (only got up to 78). And shhhhhh....I'm hoping to sneak home for 10 days in a couple of weeks. We are trying to figure out if we can keep it a secret from at least my Mom and maybe the first kid we visit. I don't think we can keep it a secret from the everyone because we have to coordinate around practice schedules too much. Also, I have a big mouth and am not good at subterfuge so I will probably blow it. 

If you are looking for some pretty solid and straightforward advice about baseball, from top to bottom -- recruiting, training, showcases, making the team, being a good teammate, handling the mental game -- you've come to the right place.

But if you are looking for someone to blow smoke up your ass and tell you your son is a surefire D1 prospect when everything you are posting says otherwise, you won't find it here. Many of the posters have been through it before, on both sides, in terms of they were new to the board and had a kid in high school going through this whole process, and then stuck around after their kid went through it to share their experiences. If the information supports it, you will receive the appropriate encouragement. But if it doesn't you'll be encouraged to modify your expectations to avoid facing disappointment. Most of the people here are pragmatic, and realistic.

Certainly not at this point to help a player continue his career as far as it may lead. Seems mostly to encourage players to forgo baseball. Weird huh, a baseball site that tells players to forget baseball.

To be honest, this site will be exactly what you want it to be.  If you are looking for advice, it comes in all forms here.  You have parents who are just starting their journeys with their sons and some who have seen their son's careers end.  You have those who have had sons have great success and others, not so much.  If someone got your goat, it is only because you showed someone where that goat was tied.  If your son has the dream and the ability plus drive they can play where they want.  If not, that son will be able to say that they played and life had another calling for them.  Many of us, including me, had to yield to that day when the career ended.  Still, I love the game and found that my true calling was coaching it instead of playing it.  Maybe that makes sense to you and maybe not.  Again, this site will be exactly what you want it to be.  Take care!

@CoachB25 posted:

To be honest, this site will be exactly what you want it to be.  If you are looking for advice, it comes in all forms here.  You have parents who are just starting their journeys with their sons and some who have seen their son's careers end.  You have those who have had sons have great success and others, not so much.  If someone got your goat, it is only because you showed someone where that goat was tied.  If your son has the dream and the ability plus drive they can play where they want.  If not, that son will be able to say that they played and life had another calling for them.  Many of us, including me, had to yield to that day when the career ended.  Still, I love the game and found that my true calling was coaching it instead of playing it.  Maybe that makes sense to you and maybe not.  Again, this site will be exactly what you want it to be.  Take care!


My son is currently living his dream, playing baseball in college.  And he's getting a great education, which is my dream for him.  This site helped us understand the enormity and complexity of getting there.  This site helped us build a plan that spanned 4 years.  This site shared experiences, histories, anecdotes and wisdom.  This site helped us be realistic and have perspective.  This site connected us to people who knew much more than we did and were willing and able to help.  Most importantly, this site helped us enjoy the ride, smell the roses along the way, and know when he found the right destination.  Honestly, I don't know where he would have ended up without HSBBW.  I'm thankful.

A friend was paying a recruiting consultant $1,500 for their kid. He asked how I give them the same answers before the consultant responds. I told them I post them on a discussion board and get multiple suggestions instead of just one.

The first thing the consultant did was tell the kid to write to his dream programs. So he wrote Stanford and Vanderbilt. The consultant never saw the kid play. I coached him for three years. The parents weren’t happy when I suggested HA D3s. Guess where the kid played. 😁

Last edited by RJM

The site is awesome as long as you take it for what it is. There are ridiculous amount of posters here who are either P5 parents, HA parents or HA parents who shunned the P5's because they want...or people play a bit fast and loose with the truth! 

The truth is the vast vast vast majority of the kids have no chance at D1, no chance at an HA and can still be highly successful and both on and off the ball field. That is not something you will read much about here. 

@Smitty28 posted:

My son is currently living his dream, playing baseball in college.  And he's getting a great education, which is my dream for him.  This site helped us understand the enormity and complexity of getting there.  This site helped us build a plan that spanned 4 years.  This site shared experiences, histories, anecdotes and wisdom.  This site helped us be realistic and have perspective.  This site connected us to people who knew much more than we did and were willing and able to help.  Most importantly, this site helped us enjoy the ride, smell the roses along the way, and know when he found the right destination.  Honestly, I don't know where he would have ended up without HSBBW.  I'm thankful.

Well said......fits our experience to a T

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