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Why is there a drop in the number of registered memebers on the site ?---as I type this there are but 24 registered members logged in and there are 12,607 registered members according to the stats on this site

I remember the days when we had oodles of registered memebers on line at all times---does not seem that way anymore

Any thoughts as to why ?
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I suppose I'm one of those lurkers. I used to read the site for about a year before I ever signed on a couple years ago. Since then I visit often but usually just read without signing on.

One piece of advice and I don't mean to pick a fight. I see in today's threads that a young man Marlin was posting about his team and his games. It was pretty interesting and some members encouraged him. TRhit accused him of crying. That's a great way for a grown man or 'old-timer' to encourage new posters.
Last edited by MN-Mom
OK you got me to sign on. I usually just read and don't log in. I visit several baseball boards and come back a lot to this one. There is so much here to read and learn. Sometimes it looks like all the questions have been asked and answered and all a person needs to do is read. I agree with the other dad above though. TRhit if you are trying to encourage people to log in and post their thoughts, you are going about it the wrong way when you jump on other posters. Since you asked.
Last edited by MN-Mom
There is a very interesting site I go to in order to check out our site from many years ago. It is called the “waybackmachine” and somehow it stores websites from past years.

When I saw TR’s post it made me think… What drop? Is that true? So I went to “waybackmachine” and tried to gather some info. I went three years back on approximately the same date as today. Here is what I found….

In 2005 the HSBBW message board had 6,468 Registered members
Today’s board shows there are now 12,607 Registered members. Almost doubled in the last three years.

I also checked the numbers on a few of the more popular forums from 3 Years ago. Then below each the 2008 totals are listed.

1999 to 2005 – General Items Forum – 2808 Topics, 34435 Posts
2008 - General Items Forum – 9986 Topics, 142403 Posts
1999 to 2005 – Recruiting Questions - 484 Topics, 5098 Posts
2008 – Recruiting Questions – 2111 Topics, 26254 Posts
1999 to 2005 – Illinois Forum – 634 Topics, 8339 Posts
2008 – Illinois Forum – 2501 Topics, 41308 Posts
1999 to 2005 – Texas Forum – 863 Topics, 8345 Posts
2008 – Texas Forum – 3867 Topics, 56714 Posts

Another thing that was very interesting was the list of posters logged in on that date three years ago. Some I don’t remember and some who are still here. Here they are…
5sdad, baseballbum, BEE>, Bizazz, ClevelandDad, CollegeParent, cong, FastballDad, Gamer, grateful, HiHardHeat, JohnLex7, lafmom, Longtoss, luvbb, MN-Mom, prepster, Ramrod, ROO DAD, soxnole, TRhit, Txdad06, wavehog, Will, WindyCity

According to “waybackmachine” Bob Howdeshell started this site in 1999. Bob obviously had a great idea that would help thousands of people and he did a great job with the site and Julie (MN-Mom) has obviously accomplished great things since taking over and seeing the numbers grow by leaps and bounds. Just look at the numbers above! The numbers don’t lie in this case.

Congratulations to MN-Mom, to the moderators and to all those who unselfishly share their advice and/or opinions on this the greatest of all high school baseball sites.

BTW, this can be a lot of fun, especially if you own or maintain a website. Here is the link...
Last edited by PGStaff
Poodles you say GW?
So oodles has absloutely nothing to do with noodles?
( gasp-shock )
Stop the pasta machine!!! Must trade it in for a waybackmachine.

Good to know,...good to know indeed. Albeit, a little after the fact GW, as you can see from the picture below, but
I thank you kind sir for the clarification!

Phew, poodles are much easier to count than noodles, anyways. Big Grin

( Anyone hungry? )


PGStaff, .....thank you for the facts.
As my grandmother always said, " Theres proof in the puddin' " and MN-Mom does a great job with this site!

Last edited by shortstopmom
There are currently 6 member(s) and 29 guest(s) on the forums.
bcb3, bullet, cap_n, deemax, GFK, infidel_08

Ya' know that the number fluctuates from time to time, TR. There are 35 people browsing HSBBW right now. Being the highest travel weekend of the year, a few regulars might have been on the road or still immobile after stuffing themselves.
Last edited by infidel_08
Many times when I log in it's very early morning for those on the east coast....though some PST folks might still be hangin' in there. More often than not, the list of registered users when I log in reads:


There was once I think I even saw the rare Bear-Bum-Krak.

Why, at this very moment it's Fungo-Infidel-Krak

It's endlessly entertaining.
Last edited by Krakatoa
Good thoughts PG and interesting link! I don't think anything has "dropped" off. I do believe that the HSBBW has cycles just as any other website. This is related to lots of patterns. You also begin to notice around the first of the year that folks become more grumpy too I believe. It seems to happen every year.

What touched me PG from the info you shared is that several of those folks that are listed on that day back in 2005 are genuine friends of mine still to this day. I don't post or log on anywhere near as much as I did. That's due to a couple of factors, including that I have a different job now and I can't just stay logged on all day like I did for years. That doesn't change anything about how I feel about this place, its people, or its mission. The HSBBW provides many things to many people.... will continue to do so whether lots of us are logged on every day or some of us come and go. There will always be new and hungry parents, players, and fans.
Last edited by lafmom
Originally posted by BaseballPop59:
One piece of advice and I don't mean to pick a fight. I see in today's threads that a young man Marlin was posting about his team and his games. It was pretty interesting and some members encouraged him. TRhit accused him of crying. That's a great way for a grown man or 'old-timer' to encourage new posters.

If a poster is going to aire his feelings or opinions on a public board then he should expect a response. We can all say good luck, or whatever, but this is a forum and if a poster has an opinion, so be it, but he shouldn't expect 100% approval. In some ways I felt like many others have in regard to MarlinsMS_35 "blog" in this forum, but, TR brought up an interesting point in that fits in the "big picture".
They lied to me. i didn't pitch at all today. I only got 1 1/3 Innings of work in a seeding game.

Whats wrong with what TR responded with? It sounded like whinning to me. What would you tell your own kid if he said that after a game? Just because MarlinsMS_35 is a hs kid does not give him a free walk from opposing thoughts. IMHO, personally I don't feel that this forum is the place for MarlinsMS_35 to blog on. Does that make me a bad guy also for voicing an opinion?
Last edited by rz1
Originally posted by rz1: Personally I don't feel that this forum is the place for Marlin35 to blog on. IMHO.


Originally posted by rz1: Does that make me a bad guy also for voicing an opinion?

No, it's all those other things. (Not the least of which is your cheddar heritage) Big Grin
Last edited by CPLZ
Whats wrong with what TR responded with?

Does that make me a bad guy also for voicing an opinion?

When this site was in it's infancy, and, I began posting there were "old timers" that my posts and questions offended.

But, they had an informal rule of tolerance towards "newbies", and, young high school age ballplayers in particular which were often criticized for their spelling and grammar mistakes.

The "old timers" knew that the initial post or question was intimidating, and, responded to my questions with tolerance.

So, what's wrong with TRHits post is that it violates the spirit of what this website is intended to do, which is encourge the exchange of information. It does not demonstrate the tolerance or maturity of someone that has been around this site for a long time should know. Particularly to a young high school kid that does not understand, yet, how this community works.

Not a
great way for a grown man or 'old-timer' to encourage new posters.

No, rz1 it does not make you a bad guy for voicing your opinion.

But, as an old timer is being able to "voice your opinion" what this site is really about?

Are you encouraging the exchange of information?

Are you willing to be tolerate while a young person learns the ropes of this site?
Last edited by FormerObserver
I'll second FO's thoughts. There are ways to 'voice your opinion' to a new poster, most particularly a young player, that don't amount to a hand slap.

What would I say to my own player? I'd probably be a great deal more direct with my own than I would with a player I'd just 'met', as I'm unaware of the new player's experience.

I agree with this...

Originally posted by rz1: Personally I don't feel that this forum is the place for Marlin35 to blog on. IMHO.

The only reason I believe this site shouldn't turn into a blog type thing for young players is... Could you imagine how this site would gain any popularity if thousands of young players were to start a blog about their off season exploits?

So even though I don't see any harm in this case. I don't think this site originated for the purpose of allowing players a personal blog. Then again I might be wrong about that.

Also, I did notice some whining in that post. I'm glad someone stepped up to identify that. If kids are going to post, then adults should be trying to educate them. I think what TR wrote could be considered as an educational item. Hope the young player learned something from it.

No one wants to eliminate young people from joining in, but we can't allow them to think whatever they say is just fine. If we all learn something from this site, isn't it most important that young people also learn from this site? Or not?
Board Manners

I went out to read the message board rules, and the irony, of the link "Board Manners" struck me.

Here's the manners....

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High School Baseball Web is intended to be an "Idea and Information" exchange, help keep it that way.

And, I agree, PGStaff, I dont' like the Blog either, but the young man operates in a world that is blog driven, and just hasn't realized, yet, that this is not a blog site.

But, he will.

One way or another.
Originally posted by FormerObserver:
So, what's wrong with TRHits post is that it violates the spirit of what this website is intended to do, which is encourge the exchange of information. It does not demonstrate the tolerance or maturity of someone that has been around this site for a long time should know. Particularly to a young high school kid that does not understand, yet, how this community works.
You have a good point. I'll follow that up by saying that people thoughts are many times taken out of context. From a geographical standpoint the "right coast" folks are a little more forward and do not beat around the bush, The midwest, is simple but direct. The left coast is more PC with their renarks. We learn by communicating with others that do not share our same opinions.

But, as an old timer is being able to "voice your opinion" what this site is really about?
So an old timer should wait to chime in? To me an old timer has weathered the wars and regardless of how it comes out, there's probably a message to be said.

Are you encouraging the exchange of information?
Always.....Good and bad.

Are you willing to be tolerate while a young person learns the ropes of this site?
How does one learn without being taught. In this case, does MarlinsMS_35 understand that his response may be construde as whinning without being told it may?
From a geographical standpoint the "right coast" folks are a little more forward and do not beat around the bush, The midwest, is simple but direct. The left coast is more PC with their renarks. We learn by communicating with others that do not share our same opinions.

One of the challenges that I've had to deal with and learned to enjoy and appreciate is that diversity. It fascinates me.

So an old timer should wait to chime in? To me an old timer has weathered the wars and regardless of how it comes out, there's probably a message to be said.

I was waiting to see how blog thing works out. And, I agree on the weathering, I just hadn't decided how to approach the subject yet, if at all.

The kids probably been out of school and it might just go away...?

How does one learn without being taught. In this case, does MarlinsMS_35 understand that his response may be construde as whinning without being told it may?

The key word in my question is WHILE...............
So, what's wrong with TRHits post is that it violates the spirit of what this website is intended to do, which is encourge the exchange of information. It does not demonstrate the tolerance or maturity of someone that has been around this site for a long time should know. Particularly to a young high school kid that does not understand, yet, how this community works.

To me an old timer has weathered the wars and regardless of how it comes out, there's probably a message to be said.

There probably is, but it would be productive, if an explaination followed. In this case there was not.
There is a huge difference between constructive criticism and criticizing. The later of which is of no value, imho.
Last edited by shortstopmom
Who is this site here for?
It is here for people like myself before I became "Fungo". It's for the dad or mom or player looking for someplace to ask what most consider a dumb question.

Why is this site still here after all these years? Because there are people like those involved or mentioned in this thread. HSBBW, MNMom, PGStaff, FO, TRHit, TPM, Orlando, Lafmom, (miss ya gal) CPLZ, RZ1, Krakatoa, Shortstopmom, ClevelandDad, Gotwood, Danny Boydston, sizzlepop, theEH, Pop up hitter dad, infidel, Midwestpop (a belated welcome), and a welcome to South Paw Son too.

This site will never be pristine clean and always in order. After all this is a place to discuss and disagree. You might call this the back-room of baseball where opinions are voiced and some lives are changed forever. These things don't happen without emotions and disagreements. If we keep it to too orderly it becomes too shallow. At the same time we need to maintain enough order to where even the most timid will enter. It's a tough balance but Bob Howdeshell (HSBBW) and Julie (NM Mom) have done a great job. Wink
Why is this site still here after all these years? Because there are people like those involved or mentioned in this thread. HSBBW, MNMom, PGStaff, FO, TRHit, TPM, Orlando, Lafmom, (miss ya gal) CPLZ, RZ1, Krakatoa, Shortstopmom, ClevelandDad, Gotwood, Danny Boydston, sizzlepop, theEH, Pop up hitter dad, infidel, Midwestpop (a belated welcome), and a welcome to South Paw Son too.

The list above would never be complete without Fungo and Observer 44's names -- two jewels in the HSBBW crown!

There are lots of other "gems" too -- infielddad, Bobbleheaddoll, 3Fingered Glove, etc. -- all of whom contribute to make this an absolutely outstanding site. It's no wonder that board usage continues to increase!
Last edited by Infield08
Which is better?

1. I disagree with your opinion
2. You are wrong and way off base


The common thread in this community are parents of players who have gone through a process, those going through it currently, and those about to.

Each stage brings about new questions for those seeking answers/guidance because nobody wants to screw it up for their kid. That's called being diligent. We have it easy. The kids have to hit, pitch and field the ball.

What a strange word. And to add it to things like lemon and gum is just bizarre. Any etymologists on-site who can give us the history of this fascinating word? I'd also like to know more about its country cousin, droop, if it's not too much trouble.

And don't I have an old baseball card of a guy named Walt Dropo?

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