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Player has been in the program since the 8th grade as a MIF, is now in his third year at the school. Was recently advised that he will be moved to another position because of speed and logjam at natural position (No problem). School has recieved transfers at natural position. Has gotten very little help/instruction/reps at new position. Is the fastest player on team. Coach is unapproachable and literally walks away midsentence when player has questions.. How is the best way to handle this situation as a player and as a parent? Thanks for your help.
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Figure out what his best resources are for help and reps for new position.  Sounds like it's not necessarily the HC.  Often, assistant coaches are willing to work with kids before and after practices.  It may need to be with a local facility/academy or a private instructor or a willing ex-player or combination of the above. 


Just from the limited amount of info provided, there seems to be good news...

1.  A MIF can usually move to most other positions fairly easily and have success.

2.  Coach recognized and put him in another position instead of just letting him fall down the depth chart - must see value.


As your player progresses, this becomes a fairly common obstacle.  If he wants it bad enough, he'll do what it takes to overcome.  Having the MIF experience will help him regardless of what position he lands on next.  It is quite common for MIFs to be turned into OF's transitioning from HS to college, for example.



Best wishes and let us know how things progress.

Last edited by cabbagedad

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