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Read this in an article today (College Baseball Insider)...interview with a D1 head coach and former pitching coach of a CWS team in the Midwest.  Seemed relevant to recent threads on here.


What are three things you look for in recruiting pitchers?

You must begin with physical tools because this is something we cannot teach. 

1.      Physical Tools (arm strength, body type/size)

2.      Can he command a 2nd pitch off same arm slot?

3.      Competitive Spirit 

Last edited by justbaseball
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Here is link to full article.  http://www.collegebaseballinsi.../9Innings/9Neal.html


If you don't already read CBI I'd bookmark it immediately.  This is some of the best articles and information on college baseball available.


Free content.  That means they don't hide their content behind a pay wall!!


Also give Sean & Phil a follow on Twitter… 




One of my biggest pet peeves is the "gossip" that some other journalists resort to.  I heard 1 time, and these guys seem to follow, the rule that "its better to be last & right vs 1st and wrong."  




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