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Just wanted to share something that is very special to my husband and me ...

infielddad, whose son Jason Armstrong is a middle infielder for the Lansing Lugnuts, the Midwest League affiliate of the Toronto Blue Jays, contacted me the other day to let me know that he and his wife were going to be at the Midwest League all star game on Tuesday. While they were there, infielddad not only took some pictures of our son, but he also purchased a program for us and got a copy of the sports section in the local paper with a "story" about our son. We anticipate receiving the memorabilia in the next couple of days, and are also looking forward to receiving some pictures.

Had it not been for the HSBBW, this would never have happened. Where else do we get to "meet" people who understand our sons' passion for the game, as well as our love of the game? Where else do we get to "meet" people who really "get it" when the rest of the world just doesn't understand? But because of the HSBBW and wonderful parents like (Mr and Mrs) infielddad, we will get to share some of our son's excitement during a very special day in his life.

Thanks, Bill. And thanks Bob H for starting such a wonderful "network" for us baseball junkies.
Mary Ann * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [i]"The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deuteronomy 31:8 [8/21/08][/i]
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So true! Infielddad has helped me too. When he heard my son had been drafted by his son's team, he supplied me with the links to all the websites and shared what he had learned. He gave me his email address and offered to help. Nice to have someone to be a trailblazer and lead the way!
Thanks Bill
I just noticed on the Auburn website they are televising home games over the internet. Wow, that is cool. walk Think I may take advantage of that new technology to watch the D'Days, listen to the Lugnuts and follow the box scores on Minor League baseball...oh, that's right, there is some work to do at 4pm PDT. Drats. pull_hair

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