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In a captivating fall game at Plano East, the Panthers upset the Jackrabbits by the score of "a few to not many". The Panthers keep title hopes alive when they hit the road next week. Look for Forney to make some noise this year in 10AAAA, with Thompson and Woodruff on the hill. The Panthers continue to be cautious about showing too much from their offensive playbook at this time of the year. Cool
Originally posted by Old Pitcher:

Not a single person in our family likes any kind of cajun/seafood! Hope they have a Chili's around there!

How's retirement going?!

Retirement is good, Jeff. I'm getting to watch the Horns, the Cowboys, both of my sons playing fall baseball and, of course, catching up on honey-dos. Finally get to take advantage of the NFL Sunday Ticket, FF teams are off to a great start!

Very happy for Matt. Please ask him if he can get me a good deal on Texas-OU tix.... Smile
Last edited by Frozen Ropes GM
I would also like to congratulate the Foster family. James has worked so hard to get where he is today. I know this was a difficult decision for James because he had 3 offers on the table at once and it was a very hard for James to weigh the pros and cons. I was glad to hear that Coach Wheeler from Richmond was very supportive and kind when James called him to decline his offer. James said that Coach Wheeler handled it with great class. It is good to hear that some coaches just don’t hang the phone up on the kids when they have the balls to make that very difficult phone call. James we all here at DBAT are very proud of you and how you handled yourself during this recruiting process.
Congratulations to all of the Fosters! James' brother John has really impressed me over the years with his support of his "little brother" and I think Charlotte may have worked the hardest of all putting up with three baseball junkies in her house. Jim has been a great father and supporter of James' baseball career.

I have had one of the best seats in the house since James was 13 when he and my son first played together. There are two things that have always really impressed me about James. One, he hustles all the time and plays the game the right way every time he is on the field. Two, he is a money player. When the boys were the 14u D-BAT, they played in 13 tourneys and made the championship game 11 times. I believe James was the starting pitcher in the championship game something like 9 times. In TCA's state championship game in 2006, James ignited the offense with a couple of huge extra base hits. Sometimes during recruiting, coaches get so focused on tools that they overlook results. When James gets to Wofford next fall, it will be his results that earn him playing time.

Congratulations James - we are proud of you!
Last edited by Uncle Ethan
Thank you one and all for your kind sentiments. We are truly blessed to have such wonderful friends in the baseball community. Some we see quite often and others we just know are always there rooting for our son from afar. But no matter how often our paths may cross it is great comfort to know you all are there and you make happy times like this a celebration worth remembering!

I will have more to share about the recruiting process in the future (when I decompress) but I would be remiss if I did not single out one person for a special thank you.

Cade Griffis went above and beyond to help my son find the right opportunity, as he does for so many kids. I am truly grateful for his friendship and his devotion to our kids. Thank you Cade.

And thanks to all our baseball friends - PD, FO, CSeats, reggie, eastlm, RACCOON, OP, KD and many others who have called or emailed... baseball has created many friendships that have enriched our life. A special thanks also to Uncle E for being my good friend, partner in TCA baseball, and sounding board throughout this process.

And now, it is time to say... GO TERRIERS!
Last edited by Natural

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